Janes Addiction: Scenic Kennebunk Maine ride

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OK, here are my pics. You may notice Cupcake made her return as well.

First stop for lunch and a few beers...

Resting up on the beach? Nope. Rite-Aid.

Trail photo Ops...

My Favorite photo of the day...

At the beach!!!

I went swimming. Nobody else would!

On the rocks!

Found an awesome landmark! So we crossed...

On the last leg of the ride, we stopped at "The Wedding Cake House" where the owner gave us a tour, some history, and creeped us out a little when we saw all the nude drawings of him. But they were done by someone famous supposedly. Did anybody catch the name? Anyway, here is the house...

Here is a creepy painting that I really liked...

And two creepy ladies at the top of the stairs. One came to life and rode with us...

Later in the night, we drove back downtown and watched fireworks and has some ice cream. Great ending to the night!

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Wow what a weekend,worth the trip.Thanks Jane.Some specs;14 miles
on Saturday,9 bikers ,21 miles on Sunday. No breakdowns or lost riders.
And Fireworks ! Now that's Epic ! 100% Fun...Stevil
Here are the fire works




Ummm wonder what is that ???lol

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Fireworks too???

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Yes fireworks! Put on by a wedding party as part of the reception that night. We just happened to be passing by and we see a truck filled with big boxes that said DANGER EXPLOSIVES. I said "Are you guys gonna blow up some ....?" He said "theyre fireworks, you guys should come back at 9 to watch." Ummmmm...Okay! They were awesome! Even way better than the town Fourth of July fireworks! These people had some money for sure. Great night.
Wow what a weekend,worth the trip.Thanks Jane.Some specs;14 miles
on Saturday,9 bikers ,21 miles on Sunday. No breakdowns or lost riders.
And Fireworks ! Now that's Epic ! 100% Fun...Stevil
I'm pretty sure I am not alone thinking that this should be an annual Summer event?
I could not find any photos last night on my computer either. It's a conspiracy!! they are against genetic misfits! I bet you all can see them and only Dan and I cannot!!

Why you little .... #@%#@**
I could not find any photos last night on my computer either. It's a conspiracy!! they are against genetic misfits! I bet you all can see them and only Dan and I cannot!!

Why you little .... #@%#@**


I tried to upload all mine and I got a message that said "The Facebook team does not want your genetic misfit photos. Please *don't* try again later".

Luckily skip, I posted mine here for you to see.
Maybe it's just my phone. I'll check on my computer.
They are pictures off of here so you've

I tried to upload all mine and I got a message that said "The Facebook team does not want your genetic misfit photos. Please *don't* try again later".

Luckily skip, I posted mine here for you to see.[/quote
The pics I posted on there were ones from here so you've seen them already. In fact you probably took them :)