The TV weather guy said a cold front was coming through on last night's news. He didn't say it would get so cold my hands would get chill blanes working on my hubs. Wah! the high so far today is 46F with intermittent drizzle. My garage is even colder because of last nights frost. There is a strong N wind right off Lake Superior which isn't helping. Cripes, almost the fort yuly and it could snow. Anyway, back to the Jukadi. I am packing the hubs inside to avoid frozen fingers. I am going to leave the 19 tooth on the hub and try a 30 tooth chain wheel. I don't know how the Bendix manual 2 speed is geared so I will have to see how fast I can go on the road and gravel in high and how well it climbs in low. I might go with a 32 tooth if the Bendix low is low enough. I can't find any information on the gear ratios of the old manual 2 speed Bendix hubs. If I don't like that I will have to dismantle the hub and replace the 19 tooth with my 18 tooth with the 32. A 36 tooth would make many of the single track hills too hard to climb and there is nowhere to get off on some of the hills, it is all bush or steep drop offs in these places. Some wide hills like the sand dunes and Kurby's hill are too steep for me anyway so I will have to carry up. I will post results of the gearing experiments.