Just an intro

Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Jul 26, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Rating - 0%
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Hi guys, just a quick intro before I start posting.

Just got back into the bike scene after moving overseas so starting to set myself up in a new place. Went looking for something cool to ride and came up with this one off craigslist. Felt El Guapo, cruisy bike and nice to ride. Loving the Thick Brick white walls. Nothing too fancy yet though but I'll get to modifying it soon enough. Changed out the ape hangers which were a bit geeky (bikes not laid back enough for them) and I'll mess with a few more bits when I get the chance. Plan to put a bent seat post on it to push the seat back some, will hit it up with a new paint job, fenders etc. Might pull out the airbrush??

So maybe a bit modern for you guys but I'm on the look out for some old clunkers to breathe some life back into so hopefully I'll have something interesting to post. Here is the new addition.

WELCOME! Nice bike...............Ape hangers geeky....OOOOH, you just stabbed me in the heart! :lol:
LOL. :lol:

No offence intended with the ape hangers comment, sorry :D I do like them on the whole and right bike but I just didn't think they worked on this one. Made for a far too upright riding position and the distance between headset and seat were too close for the apes IMO. My next ride will likely get the ape hanger treatment, thay can look smooth .

Cheers, HB
Thanks guys,

Have to admit the look is growing on me everyday, so I am thinking I probably wont change the paint job on this one after all. May add some bobbed fenders with pin striping though. Its actually a pretty sweet ride and with those fatties and the spring seat it makes for a pretty plush cruiser. I'm enjoying it. Turns a few heads too actually, just a bad a$$ bike. Lots of nice ones here on this site though. Very clean.

Cheers, HB
Here's another pic just for giggles with some flipped bars for the dragster/boardtrack/bobber look. Rides pretty comfy in this position too, however I'd like to find a way to push the seat back another 3 or 4 " though and lower it right down near the wheel. A bent post might do it but it might not allow me to lower the seat enough. Might have to have a go at cutting and welding my own seat post or making some sort of mounting bracket.
