I totally goofed up the plate for the RRBOv2 Trophy, so I ran by a trophy place, and they made a sweet plate for it for $5.00. Trophy was sent out today, so after he get's it maybe he can take a pic of the bike withthe trophy or something.
AND somethng cool came up, they guy had all kinds of old school machines and stuff in his shop, ribbon makers, printers, engravers, etc. I asked if I could look at them just becasue they were neat old machines. He had an old hand engraver on the table, and he said he never used it anymore cuz all his stuff is compter driven now, so I immediately said "How Much!?" He said "what have you got to trade" (my kind of guy) - finally we settled on a computer - that's what he needed the most. I had several older computers in my closet, so I came home, got one running, installed XP, cleaned it up, put it all in a box and made the swap!
He actually gave me TWO enravers, several different letter forms (fonts) to use, and a big box of scrap to play with. Pretty cool! LMK if you need a custom head badge or ??? Pretty stoked! It can engrave on odd shapes, I can turn it to put type on curve, etc. BUT I need to practice of course.
Ayways, if it wasn't for RRBO, and me needing a part for the Trophy, I wuld not have found it. So thats why I call it my Karfer Engraver
Machine #1
Machone #2 can do up to Three stacked lines of copy.
Few Boxes of Letters
Quick Example
AND somethng cool came up, they guy had all kinds of old school machines and stuff in his shop, ribbon makers, printers, engravers, etc. I asked if I could look at them just becasue they were neat old machines. He had an old hand engraver on the table, and he said he never used it anymore cuz all his stuff is compter driven now, so I immediately said "How Much!?" He said "what have you got to trade" (my kind of guy) - finally we settled on a computer - that's what he needed the most. I had several older computers in my closet, so I came home, got one running, installed XP, cleaned it up, put it all in a box and made the swap!
He actually gave me TWO enravers, several different letter forms (fonts) to use, and a big box of scrap to play with. Pretty cool! LMK if you need a custom head badge or ??? Pretty stoked! It can engrave on odd shapes, I can turn it to put type on curve, etc. BUT I need to practice of course.
Ayways, if it wasn't for RRBO, and me needing a part for the Trophy, I wuld not have found it. So thats why I call it my Karfer Engraver
Machine #1

Machone #2 can do up to Three stacked lines of copy.

Few Boxes of Letters

Quick Example