(the 'k' is silent in kfork). I posted this quite a while back in the 'other bikes' section but I felt like taking pictures tonight so here's an update
Several years ago a fella dropped off a bunch of parts and this old frame. At the time i really didn't think much about it, it wasn't a Schwinn after all, and the paint........We have a decrepit old semi trailer we used to use as a storage shed outside the shop so i just tossed it under there, I'd think about it once in a while but had it in my head it used a 5/8 post and didn't want to have a sturdy one machined. One day I actually had a closer look at it and noticed it used a 13/16 post. Hmmmm....That paint's actually kinda interesting...........The guys at the CABE say it's a prewar Rollfast....Hmmm.....So I started a project with the lowest of expectations. The frame turned out to be straight as an arrow, and every part I threw at it looked good! I ride this one a lot, it's longer than your average Schwinn and with the lower stem feels just like a mountain bike
Here's a sample of the krusty paint
Here it is shortly after starting
How it originally appeared in it's first post
Fast forward to this spring- built up a drum rear wheel for a guy on another forum, he traded me for a couple Tange forks. Slapped on some Aircraft Remover. One of the forks was an obvious repaint and was stripping extra fast, only problem was that underneath the repaint there were a ton of rusty 'spiderwebs' all over the fork. I'm thinking I've got a lot of sanding to do until I remember the cheap Pyramid fork on the Rollfast. Jackpot! A match made in Klunker heaven
Here's what I saw stripping the fork, I won't repeat my first reaction- it's a family forum after all....
And here are some shots of how it looks with the 'new' fork
How do you know if a bike is krusty enough? Why, it get's the Krusty Brand Seal Of Approval of course
Several years ago a fella dropped off a bunch of parts and this old frame. At the time i really didn't think much about it, it wasn't a Schwinn after all, and the paint........We have a decrepit old semi trailer we used to use as a storage shed outside the shop so i just tossed it under there, I'd think about it once in a while but had it in my head it used a 5/8 post and didn't want to have a sturdy one machined. One day I actually had a closer look at it and noticed it used a 13/16 post. Hmmmm....That paint's actually kinda interesting...........The guys at the CABE say it's a prewar Rollfast....Hmmm.....So I started a project with the lowest of expectations. The frame turned out to be straight as an arrow, and every part I threw at it looked good! I ride this one a lot, it's longer than your average Schwinn and with the lower stem feels just like a mountain bike
Here's a sample of the krusty paint
Here it is shortly after starting
How it originally appeared in it's first post
Fast forward to this spring- built up a drum rear wheel for a guy on another forum, he traded me for a couple Tange forks. Slapped on some Aircraft Remover. One of the forks was an obvious repaint and was stripping extra fast, only problem was that underneath the repaint there were a ton of rusty 'spiderwebs' all over the fork. I'm thinking I've got a lot of sanding to do until I remember the cheap Pyramid fork on the Rollfast. Jackpot! A match made in Klunker heaven
Here's what I saw stripping the fork, I won't repeat my first reaction- it's a family forum after all....
And here are some shots of how it looks with the 'new' fork
How do you know if a bike is krusty enough? Why, it get's the Krusty Brand Seal Of Approval of course