Uncle Stretch said:Well it took me all day to build the bottom chainstay and dropouts. It was alot of time spent trying to fit the tire in the seat post bend and still have it right . Maybe tomorrow I will get the seatpost stays built and finish the dropouts.
Ace said:Wow, I like where this is going ! Looking sharp 8) I bet you are gonna love to cruise this one when it's finished. Is that fork the one you will use, or is it just for fittings sake ? A beefy triple tree perhaps ?
I feel for your lack of space. Had to sell my Electra RatRod to fit in the Basman...would have loved to hang on to it but it needs another loving parent. :mrgreen:
Same here..........feel the same way.rgallen said:Uncle Stretch: I haven't been on this site too long and (no offense to the other members) but I have picked at you, laughed at you until my sides hurt, and most of all admired you. I guess you could say, I'm a pushover for nice and friendly people such as yourself and you are so eager to help others while doing your own projects. While "LAST SHOT" is shapeing up to be a great piece of work and something for me to work a long time at trying to duplicate, this can't be your last one. Maybe the last one before taking a little break to clean shop and make more room but not the last ever. Bikes are material things that may mean something to you but may be discarded by someone else later. You just gotta make more room and give it a few more years. What will we have to admire and oohhh & ahhh over after this? You're like a landmark. I don't even know you but I know enough about you from this site to know I'll miss seeing your work. You're a real bikers jewel to say the least. Just think about it. Please.
I do the neighborhood ride using every bike on the floor and some off the wall. My brother from Denver brought his new wife to stay for a week with me last October and on a nice afternoon we did the neighborhood ride making a theme ride every change. We did over 5 miles all told using all folding bikes then beach cruisers then Swings'and Talls' and Cargo Trikes' oh my..............even an all Lady's bike cruise.Uncle Stretch said:Its funny about cruising. I dont really ride that much ,but I can ride around my neighborhood on about 15 differant bikes and everybody looks at me funny when I keep switching. I really have 4 that I ride the most. My colson clone is still my most comfortable bike of anything that I have built.