Last Shot....With Paint

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Re: Last Shot

its sad to think that this will be your last frame build... :( ..........i always enjoy your frame builds...
Re: Last Shot

The sad part is when you cant move for having bikes stacked everywhere. I have built myself into oblivion. I'm down to building this one in about a 6' x 10' space. Its crazy to keep doing this. I know the answer to this is sell some or burn them or something. I look at all my bikes and think that one is not for sale and I gotta keep this one. Right now I have 10 hanging in my shop that are not for sale ...ever :cry: :cry: Oh and my three really good ones in the garage ...not for sale either. Is this a sickness or what???
Re: Last Shot

all my factory built bikes are set at 30 so i think you probably got it on the head(thanks for checking even if it was the wrong way)
limited space isnt fun(just cleared out my garage so i could start work on my car and building frames as well....its not fun getting rid of 'keepers' but $ is good and space to work is really nice!)
and i dont doubt that this will be the last one you build..........

until later :mrgreen:
Re: Last Shot

Wow, I like where this is going ! Looking sharp 8) I bet you are gonna love to cruise this one when it's finished. Is that fork the one you will use, or is it just for fittings sake ? A beefy triple tree perhaps ?

I feel for your lack of space. Had to sell my Electra RatRod to fit in the Basman...would have loved to hang on to it but it needs another loving parent. :mrgreen:
Re: Last Shot


Photoshop :)
Re: Last Shot

Uncle Stretch said:
Well it took me all day to build the bottom chainstay and dropouts. It was alot of time spent trying to fit the tire in the seat post bend and still have it right . Maybe tomorrow I will get the seatpost stays built and finish the dropouts.


This is a portion of what NLCTVWguy wrote:

The "collect til you die" mentality seems to flourish in many of our related hobbies, whether it's old cars, tractors, train models, bikes, or for some people art, or lamps, or typewriters. When the collector passes away, usually the family is left to deal with a large mess... and a lot of it is sold for practically nothing or worse is discarded.

Uncle Stretch: I haven't been on this site too long and (no offense to the other members) but I have picked at you, laughed at you until my sides hurt, and most of all admired you. I guess you could say, I'm a pushover for nice and friendly people such as yourself and you are so eager to help others while doing your own projects. While "LAST SHOT" is shapeing up to be a great piece of work and something for me to work a long time at trying to duplicate, this can't be your last one. Maybe the last one before taking a little break to clean shop and make more room but not the last ever. Bikes are material things that may mean something to you but may be discarded by someone else later. You just gotta make more room and give it a few more years. What will we have to admire and oohhh & ahhh over after this? You're like a landmark. I don't even know you but I know enough about you from this site to know I'll miss seeing your work. You're a real bikers jewel to say the least. Just think about it. Please.
Re: Last Shot

Ace said:
Wow, I like where this is going ! Looking sharp 8) I bet you are gonna love to cruise this one when it's finished. Is that fork the one you will use, or is it just for fittings sake ? A beefy triple tree perhaps ?

I feel for your lack of space. Had to sell my Electra RatRod to fit in the Basman...would have loved to hang on to it but it needs another loving parent. :mrgreen:

The fork is just the one I use to build a frame with. I dont know what will end up actually on there. I still have a ways to go on deciding parts, but at least I can see that length and type of fork would work. Its funny about cruising. I dont really ride that much ,but I can ride around my neighborhood on about 15 differant bikes and everybody looks at me funny when I keep switching. I really have 4 that I ride the most. My colson clone is still my most comfortable bike of anything that I have built.


Thanks for the photoshop job Kapi. The seat stay is almost straight. There is not that much of a bend. It stays with the top tube and is a continuation of it to the dropouts.
Re: Last Shot

Keep the fork!!
I think triple trees and springers can sometimes overpower a frame and you don't want that on a great looking frame like this.
I think these forks balance the front with the rear stays if that makes any sense.
Re: Last Shot

Well RGallen I built streetrods for 15 years , and due to the expense of car building I only had one. I missed it when it was gone (divorce settlement) but welcomed the extra space . At 59 I'm not jumping out and riding the MS150. A quick trip around the neighborhood is about a mile and that usually is good enough for me. My purpose in bike building it two fold. I love to express my creativity and I try to show everybody that to have the bike of their dreams is only to do it. There is so much unused talent here and it just has to be released. I'm no great designer and I am just a marginal builder. If a person like me can come up with some pretty cool bikes ....just think what everbody else can accomplish. I have sorta been the entertainment portion of RRB. I have tried to explain everything that I build in some detail ,so anybody can follow along and unleash their creative juices. I have a hard time not building bikes. I love it. My stuff is pretty good now that I have built so many. The guy that is welding two frames together is having fun and the next step is to get some pipe and scratch build a frame. There is no limit to what you can come up with. I'm glad that you gain some enjoyment from my builds. Really that is all its about ...God knows I really need another bike....hummm wonder if one would fit in the bathroom :roll: :roll:
Re: Last Shot

Hey Randy I'm not sure on the forks. Everybody in Europe runs a tripple tree fork . I'm really not sure what will end up on it. I'm going to finish the frame and then do my "go crazy swapping parts" till I figure what works. :lol:
Re: Last Shot

Uncle Stretch:
I'm just a baby compared to you at the age of 56 but I'm kinda following in your footsteps. I've sold parts for 1948-79 Ford trucks for 27 years and built a few trucks (one show truck with coverage in a few magazines) but I'm getting tired of it. I like doing things with my hands and money isn't very important to me when I'm enjoying myself. Seems that God has been as good to you as he has me and I know where you're coming from on this subject but I really believe you could get 2-3 bikes in that bathroom. Just a thought.
Re: Last Shot

Since this is my third wife , this one is scared to death that if something happened and we got a divorce that she would have to take 20 or 30 old bikes in the settlement. :lol: :lol: She sticks by me on this crazyness ,and when I stop building she is right there saying why dont you build a bike. Guess it keeps me occupied. I was building them and cutting them up when I finished. I got some posts about why I did that ,and they would have really liked to have had that frame. Kinda made me feel bad.
Re: Last Shot

I haven't "built" (actually welded) a bike in almost 2yrs. But I've put a lot together. I've sold a bunch, and gave a bunch away. I'm a sucker anyway, If someone is coming to me to buy a used bike, it's because they can't afford a new one. So they usually get it for free. Right now I'm down to three ride-able bikes of my own. EVERY year I take about 20-30 carcases (dead bikes) to the re-cycler. Paul, keep 2-3 of your favorites, get rid of the rest. RIDE em, even if it's only a "mile" a day. We want to see you hit 79 in YEARS, not bikes!...Feels good to give them away, Church, kids, people who NEED them.
Re: Last Shot

rgallen said:
Uncle Stretch: I haven't been on this site too long and (no offense to the other members) but I have picked at you, laughed at you until my sides hurt, and most of all admired you. I guess you could say, I'm a pushover for nice and friendly people such as yourself and you are so eager to help others while doing your own projects. While "LAST SHOT" is shapeing up to be a great piece of work and something for me to work a long time at trying to duplicate, this can't be your last one. Maybe the last one before taking a little break to clean shop and make more room but not the last ever. Bikes are material things that may mean something to you but may be discarded by someone else later. You just gotta make more room and give it a few more years. What will we have to admire and oohhh & ahhh over after this? You're like a landmark. I don't even know you but I know enough about you from this site to know I'll miss seeing your work. You're a real bikers jewel to say the least. Just think about it. Please.
Same here..........feel the same way.

Uncle Stretch said:
Its funny about cruising. I dont really ride that much ,but I can ride around my neighborhood on about 15 differant bikes and everybody looks at me funny when I keep switching. I really have 4 that I ride the most. My colson clone is still my most comfortable bike of anything that I have built.
I do the neighborhood ride using every bike on the floor and some off the wall. My brother from Denver brought his new wife to stay for a week with me last October and on a nice afternoon we did the neighborhood ride making a theme ride every change. We did over 5 miles all told using all folding bikes then beach cruisers then Swings'and Talls' and Cargo Trikes' oh my..............even an all Lady's bike cruise.

My adult kids have gotten to like their dad's bike builds and I have made their swingbikes and they help and paint them. Now when I make a new swingbike they are all over it telling me how it handles and that's the part that is a Norman Rockwell moment. Last year I gave one of my daughters friends a Microwave transfomer welder that I had made. He used it in a trailer he fixed and then found a wire feed welder on CL and chopped his motor scooter.

Feels good to show people how to customize there rides. Feels good to give!
Uncle Stretch .......there's more.
Re: Last Shot

Hey Kota thats the problem ....4 of my favorites are Elgins,and everybody knows you can't get rid of an elgin. Then the other three are my creations...its like giving away your dog. :shock: :shock:

Greylock I'm the same way. The most fun I have is when both my older brothers come over and we putt around the neighborhood....except my oldest brother can ride a bike slower than anybody I have ever seen. It looks like he would fall over.

Ok everybody I got my seat stays made and the dropouts contoured a little. Still have some ideas with them ,but its coming right along. I probably missed with the rear triangle ,but for all practical purposes its looking pretty good.
Re: Last Shot

Basman flattens the tubing above and below the dropouts, but I think your rearstays look beefier this way 8) I like it !
Re: Last Shot

Thanks Ace ...That sounds good coming from some that has the real deal :lol: ...wish I did . I will have to settle for my version.
Ok anybody got a opinion on straying way away from Baseman's design and adding a straight bar?

Re: Last Shot

I have been following along and keeping to myself but I got to say I really like the straight bar.

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