Last Shot....With Paint

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Re: Last Shot

Well thats three for the bar. I may try one that has the same bend as the top tube and see what it looks like. Its a pretty low short bike. Maybe I copied the shorter version. When my wife finds out you can touch the ground really easy ...I may loose this one. :lol: Yep the wife will end up with this one. I thought they were a stretched cruiser. This one is only 4'' longer than a normal bike , and sits real low. So the wife decided she wants it orange like the one I built much for my dream bike. :cry: :cry:

Re: Last Shot

I'm waiting to see LAST SHOT #2. Woo-hoo, I know you got it in ya. Give the wife this one and go for it. All in favor say, EYE. Oh, and I vote straight bar on this one.
Re: Last Shot

Once you look at it compared to my orange one ....its about 4 or 5 inches shorter...Now that wouldnt be a problem ,but where the bb goes it makes for a short leg length. It has to go right up against the down tube to give you any rideability.Then its going to be where the pedals are going to hit the tire....I was wondering why they all ran that tripple tree fork that is sticking out farther at the bottom than the top. I could build a girder front fork and throw the tire out a few inches and solve the problem, but she already called dibbs on it ....oh well. :roll:
Re: Last Shot

Stop whineing about lack of space and build on to your shop man. You know your wife gets this one its to small for ya anyway. Your just gonna have to build another bike for you, then get down on the bigger shop thing. Just tryin to help man. Oh yea i think this bike came together real good, nice work.
Re: Last Shot

Hey everybody ...Skip ...Maddog...Mode ...yall all like the bar ,and the build. I'm not finished with it yet. No matter who ends up with it I still have to finish. Still a ways to go. I may just buy a Schwinn style springer. They are good for moving the front wheel forward quiet a bit. I just got a little down when I sat on it. I guess my expectations were it was going to be this fantastic bike to end all bikes . It should look pretty good when I'm through. Still have to design a couple gussets for the dropouts and then sand the rest of the welds and bondo and paint. I still got a ways to go. Glad everybody wants me to still slave over these silly bikes . :lol: :lol:
Re: Last Shot

I am liking the whole enchilada. It is about time your wife gets a bike anyways.

This thread took a bunch of catching up for me, as I skied the last to days. But boy was the skiing great.
Re: Last Shot

Almost looks like a Schwinn frame....ha ha. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I like the straight bar is one of my favorites that you've built so far....just looks like a well balanced design.
Re: Last Shot

cman said:
I am liking the whole enchilada. It is about time your wife gets a bike anyways.

This thread took a bunch of catching up for me, as I skied the last to days. But boy was the skiing great.
Yeah your out playing in the snow and the rest of us are slaving over bike builds. :lol:

Rat Rod said:
Almost looks like a Schwinn frame....ha ha. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I like the straight bar is one of my favorites that you've built so far....just looks like a well balanced design.
Well everybody liked the straight bar ,but Betty. Go figure. Still have to finish it and then come up with some forks that will move the wheel out farther so you wont hit your feet on the wheel when you pedal. Hummmm Schwinn huh? :cry: :cry: :shock: :shock:
Re: Last Shot

Uncle Stretch said:
Once you look at it compared to my orange one ....its about 4 or 5 inches shorter...Now that wouldnt be a problem ,but where the bb goes it makes for a short leg length. It has to go right up against the down tube to give you any rideability.Then its going to be where the pedals are going to hit the tire....I was wondering why they all ran that tripple tree fork that is sticking out farther at the bottom than the top. I could build a girder front fork and throw the tire out a few inches and solve the problem, but she already called dibbs on it ....oh well. :roll:

I think that's why my Basman has smaller cranks. Took a little while to get used to, but in combination with 7 gears it is possible to get this tank rollin'. The extra rake on the fork helps as well, but it does give you a very large turning circle. Guess people will just have to make way for me. :mrgreen: ... 61#p233961

I'm all for the straightbar, but perhaps you could try it in a smaller diameter tubing, like the rearstays ? That would shave some weight of the total, and might look more suitable for a "girl's" bike :wink:
Re: Last Shot

I was looking at that last night, with the cranks being smaller. They delt with it a couple ways. I see yours has the forks with the bottom raked out a little . Having the map ( :roll: ) and building my own I could have made some changes to it really simply....they don't call me Uncle Stretch for nothing. Would have been a nothing deal to have made it 5 inches longer and about 4 or 5 inches taller. If it wasnt so hard to build that crazy rear curved chain stay I would build another as soon as I finished this one. According to how this one looks ...I might do a bigger version of it . I love this bike. Its about a good looking a bike as there is, in my opinion. :wink: :wink:
Re: Last Shot

Yeah it looks alot better than just a flat dropout. I'm going slow and trying to figure out all the small details that should make this one look better. Got the BB welded on so really all that is left is some bondo and paint. :D
Re: Last Shot

Looks like Unc has gotten a second wind on this one. I'm loving it. That looks cool.
Re: Last Shot

Best looking one yet! I' go to a lot of bike sites, world wide, and you friend are right there with ANY builder.

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