ORBO Le Klunker de Acatène

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The Manitou crown gets a new CroMoly neck:


Remove a bit from the tube, since its 30mm diameter. The crown is 28.6mm. There is a extra bush pressed inside now to compensate the loss of the CrMoly headtube.
Pressed with loctite 601.




One side has M5 thread and a screw, just to be sure.
The fork 'leg holes' are 28,6mm. The CrMoly tubes are 28mm....
I found a old steel cigar box which had a wall thickness of 0.25mm :D
I cut it out, over the full height of the fork hole and glued the outside with a strong, flexible sealant.

Now the fork legs can slide in and out! And can be properly clamped!
Hip Hop Lowrider GIF

Hydraulics :21:


Left there to dry with some leftover 28mm tubes in there.

Now to fabricate a dropout. I'm no expert on cool retro-fork-dropouts, maybe @Captain Awesome ?
I saw these cool speedholed BMX fork dropouts!


I'm thinking about 50mm fork offset.


Sad sketch on my steel plate :bigsmile:

For the final braze, I'm waiting for a piece of aluminum. Then I can fabricate the left rear dropout with an hacksaw and file and get all the braze-ons perfect!


Rear dropout will be 144mm (I chose a symmetrical rear chainstay, that how wide it is then). The sketch gives a impression of the bushes that need to be fabricated.
The wheel will be laced off-centre as the sketch shows.

I will utilize a 32 hole Histop coasterbrake hub, I have a new one lying around.

So I'll need some bushes that can distribute the load.



The hub with the sprocket. Large washers act as temporary spacers.
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I made spacers for the hub.
The shaft is M10x1 and 165mm long. The hub is 145mm wide...
I couldn't find a longer shaft with the same thread, so I have a solution.
Now its temporarily set up, so I can lace the wheel in the centre between the dropouts. The rim will be off-centre compared to the spoke flanges though!


With spacers! Boost :21:



Fork set up for dropouts.
The JIG is temporary, this did not work as easy as I anticipated.


Drew the dropouts on a leftover piece of steel. Drilled a 10mm hole and locked it with a bolt, so it stays aligned when I cut it this weekend.

Thanks @Captain Awesome for the inspirational picture of the 'Race Inc' fork!

I ordered the spokes. I expected a larger spoke length difference.

And I made the fork dropouts by hand.


The numbers.







I might braze a final time this wednesday. Then cleaning the frame the week after.

Still a little scared in regards to that end date. Lots to do...


I found this klunker on the interwebs. I like the colour setting like this!
Today I had a little timewindow to braze the last bits and the fork. After one fork dropout, the oxygen tank was empty.
I went to a local shop and they can get one in a few days/a week.

After that, I worked on the left-rear aluminum dropout.

So satisfying!







Deburring and a little filing here and there left.

What do you think? Should I make all the speedholes bigger? Or different?
I could add a nice countersunk/chamfer.... I'll sleep on that.
I cut the aluminum plate. Made a few mistakes unfortunately, I lost control over the saw a bit and scuffed the surface twice. I was rushing it too much... learning moment :crazy2:
On a leftover scrap piece I tried sanding and brushing. I liked how it looked so I did the entire plate.

Looks great! I like the progressively bigger holes like in your fork dropouts. 👍
I did! :happy:





Clear coated.

If in the complete bike it doesn't look good, I can always paint it.
Thanks for all the great ideas! I now have a 'general direction' in regards to paint and colouring.

I think about painting the frame, fork and shaft myself.

I'll try the black tires I have in a mockup first. Then see what colour comes to me.

Coming friday is going to be a warm day, but I won't be finished with my frame by then.

Currently I am working on ze forks:

I bought a new CrMoly 1 1/8" threadless fork tube.
>The crown part of the tube is 30mm.
>The Manitou crown is 28.6mm and no space for reaming...
>The Manitou fork has 28.6mm holes fork the legs and I have 28mm fork legs...

Why does everything has to be custom?:crazy:

Fork legs: 0.25mm shim plate. Placed with a little two-component glue. Check!

Crown-Fork tube:
View attachment 288912
Why? So I can still utilize standardized bearings and now I won't have to ream the aluminum fork crown.

View attachment 288913
I will press a CrMoly tube in there to make up for the lost material.

View attachment 288914

Safety thirst! 🍻
I need to find one of these crowns!

Maybe @ingola has a lead
Yeah but probably with steer tube

I guess whole fork I could gut would work too
I have one crown with OK-ish steer tube.
1 1/8" threaded steer tube. For 28mm fork legs (standard metric tubing).
You can have it for free @Captain Awesome (well, shipping) :grin:
I bought it at the Christmas fair from a guy from Belgium for a cup of coffee. 🍻


Project choking, still out of oxygen. Literally! :bigsmile:
Parts flying around.
choking mom + pop music GIF by Neon Indian

I ordered a motocross handlebar from some lady on marketplace. Red anodised! With a silver shiny pad.

After that I kinda figured out the colour direction.
Something like this, but not like this :crazy:

Red and Blue.

So I ordered a headset, seatpost clamp, topcap with starnut and more.
Boy, I have some great stuff coming up! I wish I could see the reactions :21:

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