Led-Sled Sidecar Project

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My mad scientist twin brother once had a small laminates operation for an American motorcycle manufacturer.. It got cold and he was having trouble getting parts out. I suggested he construct a light cabinet.

Simple plywood cabinet with a light bulb fixture inside. -It worked like a charm.
Please don't jump off the bridge guys, stay where you are! The water is freezing cold down here this time of year! :lol:
Looks like the fenderbuild is going really well! Glad to hear that the "extra coats of resin trick" works for you too! :)
Thanks Gdcast, I’m glad that you like the fender so far. Looks like the only jumping your going to be doing is jumping in to that rusty look for La Rotosa and building a conduit bender. :D Please keep me updated on the conduit bender plan for your forks. May have to add one to my tool list for Santa this year! 8)

Hey Lonewolf, In fact I have used that same method using pvc and black plastic before and it works wonders!! Great Tip!

Galtbacken your right the water is cold.....and deep too!! :lol: :lol: The extra resin is working really well however it is looking like this fender will become the outside fender for the sidecar, so I started thinking.....most fenders have brackets on both sides of the fender but this fender will only have a mounting bracket on one side so I have added more fiberglass and more resin on both sides to make it stronger just in case of accidental impact. Ya know this pilot sometimes gets a little Crazy! :wink:

Should have some new picks posted real soon!!

Thanks everyone!!!! Later, HL
Hehe, I got my forks bent all right, but instead of building the bender, I used a wall, a telephone post and grease knuckle to do it. :lol:
Don´t take your eyes off the resin bottle, things have a tendency to get harder if you do! :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
RCSHANER, Thank’s for your kind words! Looks like your off to a great start with your build. :D

Hey Gdcast, Yahoo!! La Rotosa is getting a bent fork....Nice!!!! 8) 8) I can’t wait to see it. I’m glad you got it done in the way you did because my next idea for you probably wouldn’t have been the safest way to do it but it would have done the job. :wink:

Galtbacken, Yep, needed to add just a little more for that outside fender just in case but your method for the extra resin has to be one of the best ideas to fiberglass a fender or any other part. Now I can buy just a small tube of body filler. Thanks Bro!! :D :D

Had one of those little small victories in life tonight!! After applying extra fiberglass and resin then sanding I was able to start cutting. Once I introduced my handy dandy new dremel saw blade to it’s victim I got to cutting and much to my surprise after cutting away the un-needed parts of the fender.......Pop!!!..... and off it came.... A brand new baby fender was born!! :D :D Best of all I will be able to use the same form for all three fenders! I’m a Happy Man!! Tissue please! :cry:

Later!! HL




You have to love it when the cosmos and planets align, when karma favors you, when lady luck shows up, when things just fall into place, when... Well you know... When stuff works out better than you thought and it's a happy surprise! Great looking fender there. Glad to hear you were able to make three the same!
Have you seen my jaw??? I just dropped it and cant find it!!! :D
Looking great HL, keep baking fenders my friend!

Please talk to me about that unsafe idea you have... those are the ones I like the most you know. :wink:
I got´em bent, but I could probably bend´em a little more... 8)
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
RESPECT The only suggestion i could give you is to build swing arm like pivot points so it could turn/lean easily not like a brick



Steve McQueen’s 1919 Daytona Twin Racer with FLXI Sidecar

Search about this perticular sidecar and you will undestand what i want to tell you.
UGPM said:
RESPECT The only suggestion i could give you is to build swing arm like pivot points so it could turn/lean easily not like a brick

No. For ease of handling you will have to make the sidecar wheel pivot the same way, make room for that, the combination gets wider and it takes away the classic look. Easy turning with a sidecar has to do with the position and direction of the third wheel.
"You got a sidecar, and still need a kickstand???"
(The other thing people suggest is suspension. Most bicyles go nowhere near fast enough to justify that. And you want the bike to have the same stance with or without the co-pilot/mechanic on board.)
It would be an interesting project, but a lot of work for at best a marginal gain.
The only practical thing to do to ride it like a normal bike is ride it without a sidecar.
The pivot sidecar on which the wheel (and sometimes the car) leans with the bike works great for motorcycles, but with the extra weight and chassis play, I'd have to agree that it would not be worth the effort. The loss of rigidity and stability might actually make it more cumbersome to push around by the pedals. :| As for a swingarm mount without the pivoting of the third wheel, no. If that worked well, they'd probably all be made that way. You end up scrubbing tire and putting side force against your chassis. :|
man...this is such a great build up!

...iam planning a side car for quite some time now, i just need to convince my wife that we "NEED" such a thing :D for our little daughter ....

yesterday i found a good base for my project in a shed of a friend... i know your project will help me a lot... although mine will be lookig like a casket 8) to meet my "theme" ...

Sorry guys!!! With the holidays and stuff I really haven't been spending a whole lot of time on the bike lately. I was hoping that when the build fell off the first page it would give me some time to take care of some things around the house but when I checked out the site today and noticed the really cool complements and suggestions I realized that bike building never sleeps!! Thanks Guys!!!

I’m planning on squeezing in some more fender building here in the next few days as time allows and hope to have some more pic’s on my progress soon.

Hey Tibor trust me, sidecars work great with children because they always keep up with you on rides and you can see them smile the entire time!! If you are going with the casket theme for the sidecar just make it big enough for two and just explain to the wife that this is a great way to bring the whole family together! :lol: :lol:

A picture of my buddy and I on Halloween having a blast! Add a bike and an extra wheel, who could ask for more quality time spent with the family! :shock:

Later, Half Link 8)

i have read all 19 pages to this oh so awesome build.. and the only thing i can say that i think hasent been said is.. wait i cant say anything that hasent been said.. but i'll say WOW YOU GOT MAD SKILLZ!!! :shock:
WOW! I am so glad that this bubbled up on the new posts. I hadn't seen this incredible build either.
It points out a lot of things that I will have to consider in my plans for a Bonneville sidecar build.
I can't imagaine coming close to this beauty though.

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