I'm thinking of adding some LED lights to an all black bike with cream colored tires.
Imagine if you draw a line straight down the middle of the fenders from front to back, on the inside or underside.
And then you mount a string of leds along that line, so that the leds face down and light your tires - the colored glow of the leds is not seen directly, but only lights up the tops of your tires under the fenders and kind of leaks out to the sides.
Anybody done that?
Got pix?
Imagine if you draw a line straight down the middle of the fenders from front to back, on the inside or underside.
And then you mount a string of leds along that line, so that the leds face down and light your tires - the colored glow of the leds is not seen directly, but only lights up the tops of your tires under the fenders and kind of leaks out to the sides.
Anybody done that?
Got pix?