Linseed Oil edjumaction...

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Coated the raw metal frame of Avocado in boiled linseed oil a couple of years ago. Love it. Never had to reapply, and still protecting the metal.
Same thing with Southern Flyer. Almost two years ago and it still looks the same.
Just be careful when using it on white areas. Linseed oil is rumored to yellow significantly over time. Some brands are probably worse than others, so do your homework first.
Maybe dawn dish liquid and water, it works to clean animals safely after an oil spill. Figure it might work on old paint without damage. Just a guess on my part.
Do an acetone wipedown, it's what I did on my old Roadmaster. I had wire brushed the entire thing using WD-40 as a 'lubricant'. The acetone degreased it nicely, leaves no residue and it's for sale right beside the BLO, hahahaha

I just sprayed the whole thing with WD to lube what needed it to come apart. Might need an acetone bathtub to clean it now.
Use Penetrol, available at paint stores. Contains boiled linseed oil and other drying oils. It is used in marine applications and dries overnight. It is also used to make oil based paints flow better. It has never gummed up on me and I have used it every spring on my old rusty bikes. I have also clear coated over it, no problem. I have mixed it with oil based paint and sprayed it on bike frames. I use it instead of wax to bring back a little shine on old bike paint. Multiple applications don't seem to change the look after the first application. There is a lot of information on the net about using this product, especially in marine repair forums.
So told the wife I was going to use linseed for the finish on my bike. She said just use flax seed oil because we already have some. So I was looking it up and what do you know. Linseed and flax seed are the same thing by a different name. She does know everything. :praise:
So told the wife I was going to use linseed for the finish on my bike. She said just use flax seed oil because we already have some. So I was looking it up and what do you know. Linseed and flax seed are the same thing by a different name. She does know everything. :praise:
Now that's an edjumacation. Better than any diploma,GED,or degree.
Is the flax seed oil also boiled?
Not sure they sell it boiled by the flax seed name. So flax seed oil is not boiled, it will have more impurities and will not last as long. Basically I am just using it because I was told! My build is all about using what I have in the first place though. Happy wife happy life. We will see how it turns out. I did a test run and seems to work the same.
Have another question......

After I do the BLO to my satisfaction and after its had ample drying time, can a sticky back decal or emblem be applied and stay on? Or will the BLO not allow it?
That's a good question, I'm going to apply a new water slide decal go my 'BLO' bike soon. I was planning on wiping the area down with a bit of acetone first to 'de-grease' it, then apply decal, age it, reapply the 'BLO'.
That was something I forgot to ask.... After a decal is applied, can LBO be applied over it? If so, will it coat the vinyl decal or will it just wipe right off?