Mad Hammer... Better late than never

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I want to get my machine on a scale but cant find one big enough. I may need to take her to a hwy. weight station..... Sounds like you were taking your life into your own hands on that test ride. I took the XO1 down the biggest hill in the neighborhood and thought I might not make the stop at the bottom, I didnt, I ended up in someones front porch. No damage done but the home owners dog did give me a chance to see how fast I could pedal the pig back up the hill.
We should plan some sort of race at the show>>>>> Its an event we may both loose...
Keep the rubber side down...
After Talking to the others and sponcors we havw come to the out come of what can be done.
OK Teams post your final pictures not before the time of 9:00pm Sunday the 31st........
There watching any pictures before hand will cost point's and at this far along the build it's most inportant you follow all rules.
Good Look in this Bicycle Build off and Thank you to all the voters and the web host's Rat-Rod-Bikes for allowing this Build to us there open form
Thank you
Renagade Muscle
[email protected]
Skid King.
well I don't know if it is exactly a Rat Rod but it sure is cool! kinda a Mad Max meets Terminator bike.
Scott 8)
Wow, this bike is cool. Some serious design engineering here. Also everything looks so nice and square which is something I always a challenge with mirror image fabricating. Is that front spring tempered? Also, that's some shop there! How do you keep all your fingers with those 'coworkers'? :p I would have lopped one off by now. (you hiring?) :lol:
I know its too late for the judging..... But just got the head badge today... My friend Lisa hand tooled it from a raw chunk of copper....

Pretty freakin sweet!!

Im gonna tap some holes in the head tube and mount it in the morning....

ej599 said:
Wow, this bike is cool. Some serious design engineering here. Also everything looks so nice and square which is something I always a challenge with mirror image fabricating. Is that front spring tempered? Also, that's some shop there! How do you keep all your fingers with those 'coworkers'? :p I would have lopped one off by now. (you hiring?) :lol:

Yes the front spring is heat treated and tempered... I forged it from a ol leaf spring from a 2 1/2 ton truck. Huge pain in the but... dang near a days work to make that spring...

I could use some help... U wanna job?? I am just a one guy shop at the moment. I have had guys work with me in the past but I usually seem to get more done by myself..
Your bike is the most incredible machine I have seen since the finnish forkless bicycle.

Incredible details, incredible result.

Do you have an assistant looking like this???

zaz said:
Your bike is the most incredible machine I have seen since the finnish forkless bicycle.

Incredible details, incredible result.

Do you have an assistant looking like this???


Now that there is funny...

I was scrolling down reading the post and then saw ol Doc Brown... And laughed out loud.
Wow Larry, I must say that I'm thoroughly impressed with not only you abilities but your sense of eye for design. We think very much the same. Incredible forward thinking on the whole fork design as well as the rear suspension. And if you "just learned" welding than I think I need to spend more time on my TIG machine cause I've been doing it for 15 years and mine aren't as clean. Maybe you could teach me a thing or two on that Yodder Hammer! I'd love to get my hands on one. I'm most likely going to get a TM Technologies Air Hammer and English wheel as soon as I get my shop up and running in Texas in the next few months. I think we should talk more in the future, I may get you to put together a segment for my book. Anyway I hope you do well in this build off and know that you got my vote!

Talk soon, later Travis
Wow... Thanks Travis.

I actually meant I "just" got into bikes. I have been welding about 10 years but only for a living for about 5... I took a community collage course on TIG about 5 years ago and still dont consider myself much of a TIG welder. I am a very poor self taught machinist and barely know how to do any sheet metal work. My strong point is just that I know enough about such a broad range of metal working that I can do almost anything or at least how to get it done. Because I am a Blacksmith, Tinsmith, Welder, Fabricator, Coppersmith, Machinist I'll never be a master anything. I call myself a "generalist" because my focus is so broad I'll never be a specialist at anything... But I can do things that a master welder or machinist just cant do because its outside there field.. As a small one guy fab shop thats pretty much what I have to be to try and help everyone who comes through my door.

Anyway thanks. You made my day.

On a side note if your really looking for a Yoder I have a small Pettingell powerhammer.. The real deal. It belongs to my dad and I have never used it. He wants a small fortune for it but it is for sale. I have had it in my shop for about a year and Its on my project list to get it running.. Along with my English wheel, and CP planishing hammer. metal shaping is something I really want to play with but dont really have any experience in. Ive been gathering tools and hope someday I'll have some time to explore some projects. I have really wanted to hand form an aluminum side car body for my wifes Ruckus scooter..... Someday.
MH, that's a great looking bike. All the mechanical "fluff" makes it. Really clever front suspension—I like it alot. Like the whole damn bike. There's genius in there. Excellent work. Great imagination!
Totally sic.

Seen it, but never the build thread for it. This bike sets the standard. way cool bike and you know the guy who did it has to be way cool, too.
Well I dont know if i would qualify as "way cool" or not... But something interesting happened just yesterday that I thought was kind of cool... I have been talking with Jesse James over the last few weeks and sold him a big Nazel forging hammer that a local blacksmith had.. I posted a picture of the Madd Hammer on his fourm and he said "you need to quit F'n around and build a real bike in that same Fashion" To which I assume he means one with a motor... Anyway Its not exactly a complement but coming from Jesse Id say its as close to one as you could get about a Bicycle.. :lol:
Ha Ha...that's some funny stuff. :lol:

You need to reply back questioning his judgment for being on Donald Trump's TV show. :wink:
This amazing build deserves a bump!!!!!

MonsterMetal said:

Finished filling the seams and sanding filler today...

In primer...



And staring the "finish" primer

Man that body filler is a reall nasty SOB to work with... My fingers are all raw from sanding the corners.. Took a good 10 hours to fill and sand... It probably shoulnt take that long if you knew what you where doing...

Donor bike forthe wheels.... 3 speed sturny HD worksman... with full crustification...


And here is what she looks like in full mock up...

I really like the worksman wheels... thru axle front.. wide hoops, heavy spokes... Make a good board tracker wheel..

On board Rat-O-Meter

Shifter and cables...

Crank side drive train..

Drive side

Alot of work for 15 days (seems to me anyway)


I got a few days left to do some detail stuff and see if I can find a buddy willing to give her some stripes...