Really nice work going on here!
View attachment 33442
Partridge Family, Brady Bunch. Jan or Marsha, Beetles or Monkees? Monkeemobile, Munster Koach. Dean Jeffries, George Barris, "Big Daddy" Roth. "Capt. Pepi's Motorcycle and Zeppelin Repair". MPC, AMT, Revell. Testors (the one that actually worked, not the one that smelled like oranges). Riding late into long warm summer nights. Street lights don't come on till ten. Who's house do we meet at tomorrow? Schwinn Stingray Fastback.
Oh, man, I was there. Those were good good good times. Probably why I'm always drawn back to Sting-Ray builds - happy memories. Of course, back then I pretending I was riding a motorcycle or driving a Corvette (or even a tractor-trailer) when I rode my bike. Now I've done all those things for real, repeatedly, and now I just wanna ride my bike.
Your build is outrageous. Barris or Roth would've hired you on the spot.
That's still aesthetically pleasing and looks like it might be just strong enough! Great solution, keep up the stellar work!
Agreed, it keeps the flow and looks great.
Nice solution! It keeps that light and flowing design but will add a lot of strength!
I think I actually prefer it, gives it is backbone and muscle!
So glad get the update... Wow dose that look intentional and planned from the start... Really amazing stuff.
*Edit I really like the seat and stays.... The caged look it gives lools like your holding back a torque monster.. I think it's great effect.. befor looked like it was lightweight bouncer... This screams muscle!
Beautiful work !
Dude, you could slap a couple pieces of boomerang print formica together for a wicked 60's gone Jetson's vibe tank/panel.
Coming together awesome! Love the reinforcement, looks better with it than without it!
Under a month left, going to make the deadline?
Sounds perfect!Thanks, I'm really liking it better with the added reinforcement too.
Deadline... there's a deadline!? Well, in the spirit of a bike never really being finished, maybe.
Feels like I've just now gotten the big picture of the frame's design dialed in. Actually I just have. I really enjoy getting into the finish prep, paint and final details. I wouldn't be able to do much of that by the deadline without it becoming work. I've been thinking a more realistic approach is to finish it off in bare metal. I have other wheels that fit a bare metal build better and have a coaster brake. This would save the time needed to add posts and sort out the v-brakes and cable routing required with the GT wheels. Still have some finish welding, a seat pan that needs modification and upholstering, forks that need the steering tube extended, etc, etc. Long answer, same as the short, maybe. But that would be a more enjoyable approach and goal. I'd always have the option of revisiting the finish details later after the deadline.