Got a chain and mocked it up with a seat I had. It's a fairly short frame because this seat has the rear holes positioned quite forward. I will swap on a solo polo I have after seeing that photo. Got the front rim back from the chrome shop - that will go on next. If I have time I might swap in a knobby rear Duro WW a buddy of mine has to also match that photo as well.
1966 (as it turns out) Columbia Playbike Completion
First off: Thank you for all the help and encouragement. Good learning. Second, this bike is as they say in the car field, is a ten footer. Lots of scratches and imperfections. I brought it back to as close to stock as the budget would allow.
This pic is similar in position to the sample sent to me in this thread. The photos were taken just after a light rain which seemed to help make it actually look purple.