MBBO Mongoose pit crewzer

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Jun 5, 2012
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I unfortunately never got to finish my donkey bike in the main build off due to many reasons
Main one being I couldn't get the bike to be 4 ft or less in length
Ironically at the same time I picked up this used mongoose zam bmx styled scooter to use at work
I removed rear hinge foot brake when I first used it so it's just an empty space on the frame

One of the things that I discovered about this frame is the fact that the frame is not fully welded

I think it was done to make it fight in smaller shipping boxes

Definitely not something that I want to keep using even if it's just back and forth from where I have to park
But it's the perfect platform to build something compact and donkey bike inspired

Here is the frame after being unbolted

I decided since I at some point want to still build my donkey muscle bike donkey Kong
I needed something to set this bike apart
Therefore I will be running an 18" rear wheel
Correct me if I'm wrong but I had read that one of the things that makes them pit bikes are having wheels smaller than 20"
Usually 16"

This bike will be using a tire 18x3

It's going to require removing 2 small brackets in order to clear but nothing major

Here you can see the rough mock up of where I am planning on putting everything
Total length is estimated at 40"
Just need to shorten that excess tubing from the middle
Came up with this idea late in the weekend
Unfortunately I could only find one rear rack to use as a mock up
I thinking of using it to fill the upper gap between the seat and the front of the bike
I have other rear racks I can dig out this week or check my local co-op to find any that fit best
Picked up this made in Finland exercise bike for free
I think I can use some parts from it for this build while maintaining the cool looking frame for a future build
Should know sometime next week
Btw the wheel is solid steel not a kuel steel wheel cover like other vintage stationary bikes

I like what you're doing with the exercise bike, pretty cool stuff. We have one of those too, you're giving me ideas. :thumbsup:
Well so much for the bb bolting directly to the frame it was close but off just enough to make me come up with a different direction
I found if I shortened the space between the bolt holes down to 3" I could attach a floor flange at an angle so 2 holes lined up across from one another
Now I just need to drill 2 new holes in the flange and cut it so it fits underneath
There isn't many feelings worse that tripping at the finish line
Unfortunately that's what happened
I might have been able to fix the problems had it not ended right after Thanksgiving
1st problem was the seat post idea had an issue with the center being to wide to fit correctly under the frame
I could attach it on top but it doesn't look and ride correct
That was the little issue
The biggest came from the exercise bike itself
Apparently the crank and chainring are slightly different from standard style
Just enough where they don't interchange
I can use a bmx spindle but I am fresh out of parts to go with it and no way to get one on time
So here is a pic of the bike before I discovered the issues to see where it was going
At least I will be able to fix it all in December
To bad it will be after the deadline
Sorry to hear that you are running out of time, but good to hear that you will continue to work in this quirky ride!