Finally getting around to start my thread for the build off. This bike is(at least what I was told) a 1976 Raliegh mx. Picked this bike up for $30 bucks. I thought it was such a cool, funky looking frame, that I had to have it. This bike is going to be for my 7 year old son when it's all done. He even named it, Operation Black.
Bike is pretty well beat. It will need several cracks welded up, and some new parts, but it will be pretty darn cool when it's done.
Here it is when I drug her home.
The bike is currently torn down, well almost all torn down. Still have some bolts soaking in pb blaster. I hope to get the bike ready for some welding repairs very soon.
Bike is pretty well beat. It will need several cracks welded up, and some new parts, but it will be pretty darn cool when it's done.
Here it is when I drug her home.
The bike is currently torn down, well almost all torn down. Still have some bolts soaking in pb blaster. I hope to get the bike ready for some welding repairs very soon.