Are those tear drop bolt in's? Or Flame bolt in's ? ;-)
They look good bolted on!
They look good bolted on!
The plan today was to get the drop stand modded for the wheelie bar and get it completed and also get the brake arm bottle opener done. By 3pm it was too hot and I called it quits for today. I still need to do some bending and add a couple of bolts to the stand and I didn't even get to the bottle opener.
It is my favorite part of the whole process when it gets to this part... don't let us hold you up!I sure would like to use that 46/47 CWC for the winter build off! But I've got to stay focused on this to get it done. Next is to get some shiny washers and c clips to put it all together and some correct size bolts for the dropouts and wheelie bar.