Michigan boys......

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Did you know open carry of a hand gun is legal!!!!
Cop buddy told me when he was going through the academy but just looked into it the other day.
Now what I am waiting for the local gun shop owner /CCW instructor digging around for me to find out if I am within the limits set by state to open carry on my bike. If you have a CCW license you can open carry while riding he said but I haven't had the money to drop to getting it.
Most of my riding takes place after dusk and I always carry a not so legal knife just in case. Comes back to knife in a gun fight though and I have to be within a few feet to even have a chance.
What I have found says nothing about bikes. Its that's gray area because no case law has been established. So I may end up on the news lol. I hope he digs up something in my favor though. I really don't want to go through the hassle but I may be that guy. Here is a link of their site. Other states are on there if you want to know about your state.

http://www.usacarry.com/forums/michigan ... higan.html
Concealed is better for a variety of reasons, it boils down to letting strangers even know that you are armed should be your last resort. Some may try and waylay you and take your weapon. Equally unpleasant, there are self-righteous cowards who will falsely claim that you threatened them, because they don't believe in your rights. :x
Kinda hard to carry concealed in 80 degree weather with shorts and a tank top. And if I had my CPL the gray area wouldn't matter because it entitles you to carry open or concealed at will the only thing the permit allows you to do is carry in the passenger compartment of vehicles. With out it you still have to stow it without ammo in the approved area away from reach.

Even concealed you can tell who is carring so they still can be falsely accused the same as open carry.
No. No that's my gun shaped insulin pump.

The thing that I find very interesting is that the law restricts CPL holders more so then open carry.

“Your analysis is correct.    The CPL pistol free zones only apply to CPL holders carrying a concealed pistol.  Therefore, a you may openly carry a pistol in Michigan's pistol free zones.”  Sincerely, Sgt. Thomas Deasy, Michigan State Police Executive Resource Section,

I mean yeah i may be harassed by the man but the law is on my side until the rule of the anti constitution government reigns. And I won't have the element of surprise on my side carring open but I would hope that the criminal element seeing my gun would be a great deal less likely to even think about it but stupid is as stupid does.
I am in no way saying you shouldn't do it. And if someone is actually looking for it, the biggest T-shirt in the world isn't going to hide that 1911 trying to pull your pants off. A tiny .22 mini mag may not seem much of a weapon, but you might be surprised how much damage a super sonic pebble does at pound-yer-face distance. Anyway, here's hoping you never actually need it, and happy cycling. 8)
I know all about the choice gun for assassins.
Pop rattle rattle. Skipping around in their dome making a mess of things.
I don't know the history on why open carry has lessened over time if I had to guess it was prolly because people were being harassed by LEO's and since it would be against our rights set by that old hemp paper note and would start an uprising for taking away our rights. They just had scare tactics and harassment to suppress the lawful open carry of fire arms. I don't like being harassed as much next cat but i will call them out if they try to tell me different then I know to be true. Even if it means a trip downtown just to be let go because they can't charge me with anything only takes a couple times and the threat of lawsuit to curb further harassment from them any further . Have a few times and will instill this in my kids.

so still waiting to see what the CCW instructor comes up with but its looking good from what I've found. Its not a motor vehicle. Think monday if I haven't talked to him I'm going to call the state police in the capital and see what I can come up with.
Right on thanks for the link. I'll take one of each on the homepage lol So what do you have in your holster?

Didn't hear anything yet and didn't get to call the state police. My central air decided to crap out today so spent most of the day trying to figure it out. Maybe after the A/C guy comes by tomorrow I'll call and see what I come up with.
I sometimes carry NAA mini-mag in my pocket at work, or a 5-shot .38 riding at night, or out to the countryside. If I feel that there's a likelihood I might need it, I take the Buick :lol: , and an upgraded full-size 1927 which I spent a fair amount of time and money training with. I do still drill with it occasionally, although I haven't been to the range or out to the sticks in a while. :oops:
Ha ha. Just seen on the news about people open carring during political rallys. Dude had what looked to be a AR over his shoulder. Didn't see what state it was but wow didn't know it applied to rifles too.
Guess I should look into these laws deeper.
Wish I could get more range time but two times in the last 4 years I was dead on so I guess I'm just wasting ammo. It is fun to go there and see how many people peek into my lane and see what I got. Most of theirs sound like cap guns compaired to my compact. I forget how loud it is and kinda flinch after the first shot.
A buddy traded me rounds for giving him some parts and fixing his rear hub on his old murry.
So I guess I could waste a few lol.
Well after a little wait I get this.
"Michigan's concealed weapons statute - MCL 750.227 - makes it illegal to carry a concealed pistol IN a vehicle without a concealed pistol license.
Carrying a pistol in plain view on a bicycle is not in a vehicle, thus doing so does not violate the statute.

However, our interpretation is not binding, and there are no court cases applying the statute to bicycles. Therefore, we suggest that you check with the local prosecutor before riding a bicycle with a visible pistol.


Sgt. Thomas Deasy
Michigan State Police
Legal Resources Unit
714 S. Harrison Rd.
East Lansing, Michigan"

So he says to contact my local prosecutor but the local government can't impose any laws greater then what the state has already made. So I am with in my rights to do so. For poops and laughs I going to contact him to see what is said.
One more email in my favor and talked to a LEO that has researched the laws and said he found nothing that states that I can't. So yesterday I exercised my right to do so while on a bike ride with my daughter.

MSP email
"As long as the weapon is in plain view you can "open carry" on a bicycle as long as you are not in a pistol free zone. Best Regards,Tpr C. Hawkins Michigan State Police"

And just so you know 44 other states support the open carry law. If they let your OC on a bike is for you to find out And stongly suggest you get current on the laws in your state before you do so!

So exercise your right because a right not exercised is a right taken away!!
noodlenoggin said:
So....should I unmount my .303-cal Vickers from the handlebars or not? :lol:

Well mounted! I don't know about mounted but over your shoulder is ok.

But with a few emails to the AG's and MSP's office that rifle mount thingy just might be legal.

At the time it was funny and I didn't really think much about it but now knowing better now that what the man does is scare tactics and harassment to suppress the actual law. That bike gun mount just might be legal.

But that's a different fight in its self. I just want to carry my side arm to keep me and mine safe in our travels and since we are out in the open I can't lock the doors or speed away. So open carring my side arm is my best defense to ensure our safety if needed.

Really if you are pro-gun or pro-rights go and enlighten yourself and check out the site. From the home page you can find your state and KNOW the law not just what law enforcement officers would like you to believe!!!

opencarry.org It has opened my eyes.
Upper Class White Trash said:
Ha ha. Just seen on the news about people open carring during political rallys. Dude had what looked to be a AR over his shoulder. Didn't see what state it was but wow didn't know it applied to rifles too.
Guess I should look into these laws deeper.
Wish I could get more range time but two times in the last 4 years I was dead on so I guess I'm just wasting ammo. It is fun to go there and see how many people peek into my lane and see what I got. Most of theirs sound like cap guns compaired to my compact. I forget how loud it is and kinda flinch after the first shot.
A buddy traded me rounds for giving him some parts and fixing his rear hub on his old murry.
So I guess I could waste a few lol.

i think that was in dc
Sorry I didn't update this after I found out it was Arizona.
They have some really loose gun laws from what I found.

Did you attend the tea party?
Are you going to the 2010 2nd amenment march in DC ?
you got me

http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/08/17/ ... est.rifle/

phoenix, az

on the brighter side


Working at T-party time, will have to see about the other. WS, that looks too nice to be Chinese, for your sake I hope it isn't.

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