Okay - newbie question here:
What determines the weight description of these older bikes? I see middleweights and heavyweights described here and on other bike sites... Is there such thing as a lightweight? Are there any other classes?
The reason I ask... right now my newly acquired Evans Interceptor is sitting next to my Kona and my Raleigh in the garage and it seems very "delicate" compared to these newer bikes with their over-size tubes, etc. At first glance, I'd call it a lightweight
It got me wondering...
What determines the weight description of these older bikes? I see middleweights and heavyweights described here and on other bike sites... Is there such thing as a lightweight? Are there any other classes?
The reason I ask... right now my newly acquired Evans Interceptor is sitting next to my Kona and my Raleigh in the garage and it seems very "delicate" compared to these newer bikes with their over-size tubes, etc. At first glance, I'd call it a lightweight