Midnight Flash

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Here’s my stuff.


This is a wider BMX rim I’ve never used before. I wanted a black rim, and I thought a wider rim would work better for the wider tire. The spoke holes are really offset, which is a first for me.

Another challenge I didn’t realize when I measured the rim to get the custom stainless spokes is that the spoke holes are a little bigger than I am used to. The nipple heads ( don’t giggle) seat, but I was worried that under tension or over time they might work through. So I added 4mm washers as a preventive measure. The rim is double walled so the extra height isn’t a concern.

The I realized the hole on the inner wall is slightly too small to let the washer pass through. So I drilled the open just a hair.

So I laced it.

Tensioned and trued it.

And mounted the ginormous tire.
With the spreading I needs to align the dropouts.


And there are of course tire clearance issues.


I had to re-widen the back because this type of vintage Shimano disc has a “foot” which fit inside the dropout, so needed the room. The space gives the rotor space, but I think I’ll give it some extra clearance while I’m at it.

Next step is the torch.


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About 2 years ago I needed to crimp a frame, so with advice from this site, I made this.

I don’t have access to an acetylene torch like I did last time I crimped a frame. So I picked up a little one from Lowe’s. It did the job.


Heating up

After crimping

And all of it. I ran out of juice right as I was towards the end of heating up the last section.

I’m going to let it naturally cool down then I’ll check the fit.
Good idea to use a bolt cutter for the crimping tool. I've used vice grips to make one, but I'm thinking that yours would exert more force. :cool:
More force came in handy with the cheap torch. With the big torch that turned the metal into a glowing rosebud, the force wasn’t necessary. But with the “cool” torch, I had to use a lot of strength.
I've always wondered how much leverage you could get from the visegrip versions. Your boltcutter frame pincher seams like it would be soooo much stronger and easier to use.
Excellent work!!!
Ditto. Less heat and less Physical force are always better. ... should be added to the dimpling tips and tricks page... somebody tech savvy and motivated...?!?

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