mini hi wheel 2

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yoothgeye said:
Can we see a picture of you riding it, or anyone for that matter?
its way to windy and freezing to roll tonight hope this will do
ya he chases me when i ride and tries to bite the tires at the same time
thanks guys! graylock i just read through the shadow, sweet build !the cargo space is real nice!me and my buddies go big bike riding a lot and their is never a place to keep the beverages, problem solved. you might enjoy my other tall bikes, click on the link below
I took a peek at your link. Very cool Dash man. I'm a sucker for the tall and swing bikes. I build the double highs just to use up frames that I have in my stash and you can get one up and running in a day and get some extra parts out of it for other stuff. Your inspiration has gotten me thinking I need another brother to my Shadow or at least a cousin. I got a mess of that curved tubing to work with and it has to have my infamous cargo bay.
I can't get my friends to ride in a tallbike posse. Last person that rode one of my talls was at my 40th class reunion brunch. It was her first on a tallbike and she is 58.

About the cargo bin under, remember Dash, don't drink beer while riding a tall bike, you could spill it :wink:

mikesbikes36 said:
man those other bikes r cool 2 ...the trike is awsome man!! one thing i dont get do u steer with the chain on the front wheel ??? MIKE
the bb is connected to the steer tube so when the bars turn the cranks turn it actually works out good
here is a vid of my buddy doing bar spins on the mini hiwheel click on the pic
i got a 3 speed hub in that tiny wheel, i have never had a 3 speed before but if you have the cable disconnected shouldn't the hub be in 3rd gear ? I'm asking because i have to tension the cable just a little to even pedal if i don't it just locks up if you can help please do! thanks in advance!