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Re: Mosby's Raiders | Security System

I miss seeing the amazing front of your bike. A tiny bell about the size of a headlight would be great though.

Maybe try to mount the hatchet in the frame triangle?

I love your build, careful not to go too crazy though! I always have to remind myself, Just because I can, doesn't mean I should!

Beautiful build, one of my faves, keep it up! (Just don't strap on the kitchen sink next!)
Re: Mosby's Raiders | Security System

bike2112 said:
Oh, I was just playing around with some stuff I have. I thought it would be funny. I am definately taking the streamline approach on this build. No big bells or hatchets. Just one small headlights up front.

Thanks a bunch for the compliments. I am trying t make a bike that someone back in the 20's would make if they just got back from the races and wanted to turn their bike into a racer and all they had was their grandpa's shed full of parts out back.

That is what I like to hear! (Though a little bell up front might be really cool!!)
Re: Mosby's Raiders | Tires on the way

Nice pics, its looking good. Your gonna be laid out on your stomach riding that thing! How are you gonna stabilize the rear of the seat? I picture a U shaped piece of round bar under the rear seat & attached to the seat and welded to the seat stay tubes.

Re: Mosby's Raiders | Tires on the way

Dude, the line from the frame through the tank and seat is MONEY!

I also dig the Faraway in place of a headlight, wicked cool that is.
The cream Thick Bricks will look SPECTACULAR with the paint too.

Are you going to upholster the seat? if so, you could always run two bolts through the pan and then through fender bridge, this angle looks like it plenty wide enough. Again, loving the transition from frame to seat... with those INSANE forks, I handlebars, it looks like the 'Headless Horseman'

Don't know what you plan to use to 'cap off' the steering tube, but here's a simple solution:

Or even a simple bar end plug...

Can you tell I like your bike? :mrgreen:

Dr. T
Re: Mosby's Raiders | Tires on the way

kingfish254 said:
Circa Cycles said:
Old football?That's brilliant.

I know, that's one more thing for me to keep my eye out for at yard sales. :roll:

I'll keep my eyes peeled while garage sailing and if I find one before you do,I'll send it to you :wink:
Yes.I spelled it that way on purpose.
Re: Mosby's Raiders | Tires on the way

Quarters fit perfect.I used a Colorado quarter on last year's build.You can use a quarter to size things that may look cool on your rig.
I found a curtain finnial in the street that fits the horn button on my tank that's kinda cool.
That's why I love digging through coffee cans full of stuff at garage sales :eek:
Re: Mosby's Raiders | Question about Rims

I agree that painted rims would be better with the creme tires.

It might be cool to paint a rim color stripe on the tires.

Safe Travels!
Re: Mosby's Raiders | Question about Rims

According to the Post office, the tires should be there tomorrow!

Let me know when you get them, better yet, mount them and show us!

Dr. T

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