Motored Boardtracker wih a twist

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The 'blur' of the pic makes it look like your really hiking Hoeha
hehehe great to see your up and rolling...when will you be firing it up with motor power?

Hoeha said:
Here's a riding pic BTW

That is friggin' awesome!
AussieJester said:
The 'blur' of the pic makes it look like your really hiking Hoeha
hehehe great to see your up and rolling...when will you be firing it up with motor power?


I hope to be starting on the tank this week, once that is made, i can fire it up. Than i need to start on the shifter, which is going to be wicked, if it all works out. O, and of course i need to run some brakes.... Probably do those last :mrgreen:

I was actually only going about 5mph in the pic, but the light was fading fast, so the shuttertime became a little to long for a sharp pic :D
Yeah, and if you can manage to stay blurred you wont have any trouble with the law either.. :D
K-dregg said:
Yeah, and if you can manage to stay blurred you wont have any trouble with the law either.. :D

That, my friend, is the best advice i've heard on this, ever!

i've started on the tank tonight





And tommorow i'm starting over...
can't turn the fork



and the tank is HUGE

it 'll hold like 10 liters of fuel!
i think i will make one that is just a little wider than the frame. Like 1.5" wide or so.
It will hold about 3.2 liters then. I will let the fillercap poke out the side with a tube.
Whoa! 10 litres? You could fill it up in spring and ride all summer without a refilling.. :D
stocksucks said:
Looks great.
Keep going.

Hahah, thanks! building this thing feels like i need to make a deadline. Only problem is i don't know when the deadline is. My girl is pregnant and is due around november 17th. So one thing is for sure, i won't make the deadline. But i hope i will have all the major parts done....
This build has taken up almost every bit of free time i had since all the babystuff was finished :mrgreen:
Looking great! I have a 24" fat rim build in the "Other" section. Glad to see another.

I like your jackshaft a lot. I have a half dozen of those Bontrager paired spoke hubs from warranty wheels. Great idea!
final mockup before i try to weld thetank.

and this is how the fillercap will sit

and it even fits in the back of the car! and it was already full of cr*p!
aw thanks guys!

got shifter?


welded the tank too. man thats hard, mig welding 1mm plate
it probably not watertight yet. hopefully i can seal it with a liner

Hoeha said:
welded the tank too. man thats hard, mig welding 1mm plate
it probably not watertight yet. hopefully i can seal it with a liner

Perhaps you could try a product called Devcon, its a two part epoxy, similar to JB Weld but alot stronger IMO..Comes in a variant of impregnated metal types, absolutely brilliant stuff... Take Your Pic

Just another option anywayz...


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