Motored Boardtracker wih a twist

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working on the exhaust today


i wanted to mount the clutch and found that i was missing something. probably a pin
it goes in the center of the sprocket below

by any chance, does anyone know what the exact dimensions are of this pin? so i can make one. thanks guys
Hoeha said:
by any chance, does anyone know what the exact dimensions are of this pin? so i can make one. thanks guys

No idea of the dimensions, its called a cotter pin though, you can just wire it up with
any wire i believe, its simply to stop the nut undoing, certain nuts must be wired on race bikes
usually brake/fluid related nuts that if undone during a race spew fluid on the track...

thanks AJ
but i meant the pin that goes into the shaft of the sprocket. when you pull in the clutch lever, the pin gets pushed into the shaft and engages the clutch, or disengages, i can never remember.
Its a steel rod about 4-4.5 cm long thats pushes on a ball bearing that goes in the hole first.. I haven't the exact measurments but i could get them tomorrow..
Thanx KD,
i've made one by taking the measurements off the motor and clutch cover. found an exploded view of the clutch assembly showing the ball bearing. turns out a ball from a bottom bracket is the right diameter :)
thanks guys,

I'm waiting for the tank coating, then we'll be able to make a testrun...
So meanwhile, i might as well make some brakes :mrgreen:
I was wondering if the exhaust could be redirected. I always thought that it was ugly looking in its normal position. Does it affect the power at all?
g-ratter said:
I was wondering if the exhaust could be redirected. I always thought that it was ugly looking in its normal position. Does it affect the power at all?

IIRC what i have read on & the length of the header pipe really shouldnt exceed 10in or performance will suffer
not that these lil motors haaave alot of "performance" to start with LoL... Looks good though buddy, my mate ran a header pipe ~3-4 times the length
on his cruiser-->


It was a 66cc variant of the HT motor but it went search for better performance he converted the bike to electric not long after finishing
the build-->


Comming along nice Hoeha, i bet your getting REALLY excited about the build now, i know i get very keen about this stage of the build
seeing the bike sooooo near full working stage!...Once shes had a run in will you be pulling her down for paint or
will she remain in the 'rat rod' type state she is in now, which IMHO looks the part too for this style motoredbike, while
alot paint-n-polish their board trackers to extreme and look beautiful, the rat rod look almost seems to fit the style better at times IMO only of course.

Best of luck anywayz beautiful well fabricated and thoughtout design and build Hoeha you should be exptremely proud of your achievements i know i would be if i produced such a masterpiece as you have here!

Cheers Kim, you're too kind.

That cruiser looks real good! Even with the standard tank on it. Very nice.
I probably will be painting it, but in ratstyle. So definitely a flat colour. Maybe nato green, or the red oxide paint i used on the stretch ratty. Or just plain old flat black as i was planning at the start of this build.
Regarding the exhaust pipe header lenght.. After what i've read about ten to twelve inches are the best lengt to run if you are running a SBP expansion chamber but it doesnt really matter that much if you run a stock muffler.. I ran my the whole summer before i finally re routed it to below the bottom bracket, the only thing that changed was the the amount of sound reaching my ears and thank god for that.. :D

I agree about the ratrod look being the best for builds like this, oxide and raw metal! You know that flat black will make it look smaller right? :D

Great build and well done!
Thanks! And good point about the flat black.
I like the raw look, but my country is WET...
We'll see.
I might have a long time to think too. I'm about to become a dad so it will get a little less attention then...
But i hope i get the fab work done before i have to get all responsible n stuff.
Thanks man!

The tank is now coated and drying. The coating needs to set for 5 days before you can use it.... So i built this swingbike out of an old frame i had laying around.

Still need to mount the tank some way. I think i'll get some leather dog collars to just strap the tank in the frame.

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