This was one day before he stopped shaving. Forever.
now sand off some paint. fill the spot back in with fake rust. or other warn paint color.Got the body work finished and a coat of primer.
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I didn't feel like going through the hassle of trying to color match and patina match the old red repaint on the rest of the bike, so I went in a different (and easier) direction.
The over arching plan with this build is and has been to recreate an early example of a 1950s custom that a kid might have done at the time. The rest of the bike already has an old crudely done paint job so the fender needs to follow suit.
I can't put a number on the amount of bikes that I have possessed that someone in the past had painted over rusty chrome with silver paint so that seemed to be the best solution with the fender at this point.
As luck would have it, I found a mostly empty can of silver spray paint that came out of the can more splatter than spray (notice the overspray on the work surface). It dried quickly and ended up leaving a rough finish that actually mimics spraying over pitted metal. Perfect! That is exactly what you would expect from a kid and a can of paint in the back yard!
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After it dries good, I'll experiment a little with the final finish but I feel like it might be good enough as is. I'll know more after it is back on the bike.
I found a bike in my pile that the handlebars and stem had been painted silver so I'll just use it as a sand off some paint. fill the spot back in with face rust. or other warn paint color.
Why yes, yes it is.Isn't that what Bob Ross called a happy little accident?