My daughter grew out of her mountain bike, so I turned it into a Stingray using seat and handlebar parts from a modern (and cheap) Chinese Schwinn stingray. I wanted to get the proportions, look, and feel close to a 1970s Schwinn Stingray fastback but full-sized for me to ride and using modern components like indexed gears and V-brakes. I think I've succeeded. Because it started life as a mountain bike, the handling is great. Rear/front weight distribution is 70/30 so you can slam on the brakes without going over the handlebars, so great traffic bike, and easy to pop wheelies. I was pleased when I managed to replicate the look of the tires as well, with the awesome Jerald Sulky on the back and Kojak on the front. It's a joy to ride, and really eats up the miles. The only drawback is getting stopped constantly by people who want to take a picture of it!