Being a junior in high school I spend most of my days around people who are constantly on their cell phones, in any one of my classes at anytime I can find atleast 5 people who are texting, on facebook or doing something else on their phones. I'm not going to lie, I use my phone once in a while (I send like 20 texts a week because I don't reply to 90% of the texts I recieve) but I don't spend all day on it like the majority of the people at my school simply because I would rather talk in person to someone then text them all day. If my generation went back 25 years ago people wouldn't know what to do with themselves without their phone, facebook or the internet in general, I think we would be screwed :roll: . Today I was trying to take a nap and my phone rang 5 times, I finally got fed up with it so I took the battery out of my phone and got to enjoy the rest of my nap in peace :wink: . I feels good to not be attatched to everything like when you have a phone in your pocket so I'm going to try and stay phoneless for as long as I can... hopefully I'm not the only one that feels this way.