NERRB 60-mile Gluteus Maximus Buster Ride Farmington, CT Sunday July 20

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address or directions to starting point?

Ok boys and girls, it’s time for us to Put-Up or Shut-Up and run our bodies and bikes into the ground! ;)
This ride should last about (insert your time approximation) hours; it'll be a blast, an all day and into night(?) ride!
Meet-up Time: 9:00 AM
Meet-up Place: Tunxis Mead Park, Farmington, CT
GPS: Intersection>Farmington, CT>Tunxis Mead Dr.>Red Oak Hill Rd.
go north apx. 500' to the baseball parking lot

Looking forward to riding with you, Joel! :cool2:
Yea,I'm ready to go,got 2 bikes ready for Jerry and I.One a 5 speed
J C Higgins and the other a fixed gear Columbia Torpedo! Start at 9,
hit Simsbury round 10:30,pick up some pace riders,huh,maybe? :39:
Forecast:Sun,sprinkles,good times and never a dull moment. Well...
maybe 1 or 2,it is 60 miles !:20:...Stevil
Yea,I'm ready to go,got 2 bikes ready for Jerry and I.One a 5 speed
J C Higgins and the other a fixed gear Columbia Torpedo! Start at 9,
hit Simsbury round 10:30,pick up some pace riders,huh,maybe? :39:
Forecast:Sun,sprinkles,good times and never a dull moment. Well...
maybe 1 or 2,it is 60 miles !:20:...Stevil


I hope you all have fun,I know you will! Wish I was going. Just kidding. Really don't think I could do a 60 mile ride on a one speed:cry:. Hell, I'd run my bike into a pole on purpose at the 30 mile mark just so someone would have to drive me home . Love you guys Cant wait to hear all about it!
I’m out; we have friends from Toronto visiting us tomorrow. :):(

According to the Weather Underground it’s going to be 81-degrees with a less than 5% chance of rain – it’ll perfect for an all day long ride!

Still wish however that I could make this ride – I’ve been looking forward to it. :(
W e l l ,w e l l ,w e l l (he says slowly), when the day
arrives we see who shows and who does NOT ! Jerry ! Grab my other bike
and join me on our Quest for the Holy Quail. For We alone shall pedal
this Maximus ,ah Jerry...Jerry ? Ah. (he sighs)...Stevil
ABSOLUTELY UNBELIVEABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:43::13::whistle::banghead::mad::confused::arghh::(:20::headbang:Good luck to the two dudes sticking to their guns and doing this ride:thumbsup:,at least we know you won't be needing any hairspray!!I'll be doing another longie solo before to long,spotters are most welcome:rockout:
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I hope you guys have a great time on this ride; please post pics. I’ll be wearing the cycling shorts under the shorts today that would have been worn on this ride – in fact everything that would have been worn on this ride – hopefully, it’ll give you guys some of the positive Mojo needed to complete this ride.

Have fun you guys – well, now I’m off to do the dishes! :dance2::rockout::banana:

That Steve dude is sitting on the bike ready to go,that Jerry dude is taking the picture,he's ready to go,hmmmm I wonder who the rest of those people are,hold up gotta run for more hairspray!!:rofl:.Not sorry for the BBn but cmon this ride was planned and hyped by one of you guys for weeks now and for pretty near everyone to bail the last min is just=-=-=-.Go for it you GUYS!!
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I triple dog dare you to show up and run the miles with me,that is if you'd actually show up.Ill be wearing a shorter skirt so as not to get it caught in the spokes on a 65 miler--you in??:whistle:
You can say whatever you want – family comes first – there’ll be other opportunities.

That "triple dog dare you" thing is a bit puerile don’t you think?

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