address or directions to starting point?
Ok boys and girls, it’s time for us to Put-Up or Shut-Up and run our bodies and bikes into the ground!
This ride should last about (insert your time approximation) hours; it'll be a blast, an all day and into night(?) ride!
Meet-up Time: 9:00 AM
Meet-up Place: Tunxis Mead Park, Farmington, CT
GPS: Intersection>Farmington, CT>Tunxis Mead Dr.>Red Oak Hill Rd.
go north apx. 500' to the baseball parking lot
Yea,I'm ready to go,got 2 bikes ready for Jerry and I.One a 5 speed
J C Higgins and the other a fixed gear Columbia Torpedo! Start at 9,
hit Simsbury round 10:30,pick up some pace riders,huh,maybe?
Forecast:Sun,sprinkles,good times and never a dull moment. Well...
maybe 1 or 2,it is 60 miles !...Stevil