Hi My name is Steve and I am an addict! New Guy here from Hollister CA. About forty five minutes South of San Jose and thirty minutes North East of Monterey/Carmel/Pebble Beach. Been cruising the site now since July and finally getting around to my intro. Twenty six years old and have been riding since middle school with the BMX, just after High School got into the cruisers, now into customizing and started Brochachos bike club. Been through many pages and late nights on this forum and a lot of you have some great looking bikes and great ideas. Here is picture about a year and a half ago of my bikes, since then I have gathered a few more parts and a few more bikes.... much easier to buy that to let go.
DSCF3866 by cinco05, on Flickr
Here is one of us ready to go out for a ride
DSCF3609 by cinco05, on Flickr

DSCF3866 by cinco05, on Flickr
Here is one of us ready to go out for a ride

DSCF3609 by cinco05, on Flickr