New Haven CT.Bust a gut bike run

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WOW like Rats jumpin a sinking ship ! Tell ya what ,I'll talk to Jerry
today and maybe we can move this ride to the Harlem River Trail
and still make it a go! More like Punch in the Gut,ouch...Stevil
This is quite the bummer what am I gonna do with all these back fenders I was hopeing to make some $ with?? :rolleyes: I know one guy in New Haven,hmmm mabey I'll start there:39:!!
After confering with Stevil last nite on the tele we've decided to give this bike run the benny of a doubt and try to pull it off the cliff face.Noticed that there we're a few interested parties still wanting to go but have not given a definite answer.Here's your chance and with it being a nice day hate to have you guys loose out.Would like to hear from you by 10:00 if possible.Call Gary,best to reach me at home phone 203 7577800 first or then cell 203 2178947,call early as I'm up and besides Grandma said I could:rolleyes:!!Actually she wanted to come but her $ Cannondale is in the shop again---Just kiddin Ian;)!!
Haha! Very funny.

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Seriously Ian we really want you guys down here for some miles & beers it would be a good time:thumbsup:.I'm looking forward to seeing some of those beautiful bikes!! We we're not a liittle disappointed when everyone baled in the last couple days.Hope to see you guys soon!
:crazy:Gary called me:cool2: and forget this New Haven bit,we're off to Simsbury,
Plan B park lot, by 12:15 and up to Crabby Joe's where a band will
be paying tribute to ZZ Top ! :thumbsup:Sounds like decent substitute!...Stevil
Whew watta day!!After the New Haven "Bust A Gut"got its gut busted we went to pick up Grandma,but she wasn't there??So me and Stevil went to Simsbury and were gonna run the trail up to Southwick to Crabby Joe's but first we stopped at Church but Grandma wasn't there either??Then we went to the bar and guess what??!!! Grandma was there:13:!!We asked her if she needed a ride home she said no and pointed to the band,Oh Oh Grandmas been naughty!!:acute:Enjoy the pics everyone:grin:!!
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More PICS: Watta terrific day,hope everyone can make it for next time wherever that will be.By the way the awesome band was called Sharp Drezzed Men:thumbsup: Grandmas still not home she texed and said she might be home tomorrow:whistle:!!
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Ian,it one of the best times up north we've ever had and the only reason we ever found the Congamond lakes is stopping and chatting with some locals on the bike path and lucky for me they wanted a picture of one of my choppers last fall and we struck up a conversation on where to go in the area.Never knew there was a lake back there with BARS:dance2:!!Hope you guys can make it on a run with us,we ride all the time,if you free up time and can make any sun give a call my number is back a few posts and thats for any RRB's.Love to have ya!!!:thumbsup:Oh by the way Grandma can kick up the dance floor,thats her in the stripped blouse:13:!!
Yea ,good ride,beauty day with treats.Motorcycles to take your breath
away and Sharp DreZZed Men to rock out to (not Shvlhd) .Awesome
club on the water,plenty of sights to checkout. The band were great guys,easy to talk with and can grow real beards for ZZ shows,cool!Later...Stevil
Sorry I digress I guess I was looking for you know who and the band's name got by me:blush:!Sharp Drezzed Men and they were awesome :thumbsup: on another note we forgot to tell you all that we got snowed on up north there and we were also able to lend some assistance to some three fellas who said they were from Guantamino one with a flat on the trail ride home.Course it was MY airpump that got the dude home because NOBODY ELSE has a clue:41:!!English was the problem so headnodding was the lingo,my neck hurts again from this ride and from the races last week.We we're careful to check all the bridges on the way home--just in case.Stevil can fit you in on the rest of details I think there was a lot of head noddin about their beards and his goatee:rofl:!!!
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