hey everybody. I've been checking out the site for a little while and got a lot of inspiration from you guys.
I have 5 or 6 bikes in my garage much to my wife's dismay :lol: here's my newest little project. i just threw everything together to see what it's gonna look like.
I was gonna do the flat black thing with slime green wheels but i kinda like the sanded gold.
gotta put a matching white wall tire on the back and probably gonna change the 25" ape hangers for 15inchers.
I have 5 or 6 bikes in my garage much to my wife's dismay :lol: here's my newest little project. i just threw everything together to see what it's gonna look like.

I was gonna do the flat black thing with slime green wheels but i kinda like the sanded gold.
gotta put a matching white wall tire on the back and probably gonna change the 25" ape hangers for 15inchers.