OH Man did that HURT!!!!

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Skipton said:
I rode my Schwinn to work today............

I almost made it all the way there

After slowing for a stop sign I was standing and peddling to get though the intersection.
When I felt and heard what sounded like the chain breaking. Before I new what was going on the bike was on the street with me crashing down on top of the handlebars my sternum hit the handlebars :shock: (Man does that hurt)
Got up as fast as I could. Big thanks to a young guy walking across the street to help me. :D
When I looked down I saw the bearings from the bottom bracket
I am thinking what just happened?
This is what happened..........
Does this crank make me look fat? :roll:






Has anyone ever had this happen to them?
I am not small but not the biggest guy a round 6ft tall 200lbs
This is the secound Schwinn crank to fail

Back in Dec. this happened
I think its time to only use three piece cranks or stop using Schwinns :wink:
need to go take some more Ibuprofen
Sorry to hear of your accident. What kind and size is the rear tire?
Thanks! :mrgreen:
Rustinkerer said:
Gonna JB Weld that back together, or just duck tape?? :lol: -Adam
Elmer's glue :wink:

The more I think about this, the failure of the part was not a bad part……

Lets be honest these are kids bikes :D............to be cruised around the neighborhood.
Not ridden everyday as fast as they can for in city commuting by a adult 200lb male
I do take very good care of my bikes, but I don’t baby this one. I ride this one hard every day.
I have a 4 speed Nexus with a felt thick brick on the back.
I am always running thru gears with lots of stops and starts in traffic. Standing to power pedal in intersections.
80% of the time in as high gear high as possible with lots of force on the cranks.
These cranks appear to be made of cast iron...much weaker than steel.
So I will be using one of these from now on
http://www.amazon.com/Pyramid-Piece-Bot ... B000AO9O12
The cranks are not made of cast iron. They are cast but they are steel. Maybe bad steel or a bad casting but steel none the less. You can prove it by drilling a hole in the crank. If it's cast iron, the bit will produce dark grey dust that's a bit granular. If it's steel, the bit will produce sharp chips. Gary
B607 said:
The cranks are not made of cast iron. They are cast but they are steel. Maybe bad steel or a bad casting but steel none the less. You can prove it by drilling a hole in the crank. If it's cast iron, the bit will produce dark grey dust that's a bit granular. If it's steel, the bit will produce sharp chips. Gary
Makes sense,
I have 4 or 5 spare 1 peace cranks all of similar vintage, and the one that broke has the ruffest look to the steel
and the other schwinn one does not look much better.I will post some pics of the other one's soon

stretch said:
good decision to use the 3 pc. BB. what kind of sprocket/arms will you be running?
not sure yet still gathering parts :wink:
Floyd said:
Bummer about the crank fail. But....that bike looks ridiculously good!
Thanks! :D I sure do have fun with this one! :D
This happened to a friend of mine recently. Schwinn cranks too. His broke in the middle of one of the arms too. He was lucky he didn't gouge himself on the broken crank arm, it was left very sharp.
So apparently this is more than a random event, and so far seems to be of a certain vintage, so what are some possible factors? :?
1. A manufacturing defect that takes 40+ yrs to manifest.
2. An upsurge in the use of these bikes for serious use by strong adult-size riders.
3. Increasingly smaller supply of these bikes and these parts, resulting in attempts to straighten and re-use damaged parts, that 20 yrs ago would have just been tossed and replaced.
4. Most likely, all of the above. :|
deorman said:
#2, part 2. Gearing, other upgrades, improving the bike's abilities beyond old coaster bike part's design parameters.
I think that's it more then anything!
Grown men were never meant to ride these bikes hard :wink:
Must have angered the bike gods this morning in my RRBO5 post when I said "I hope my weld job on BB axle doesn't Skipton on me" I was returning from LBS on my 41 Western Tire & Auto SilverShield, headed up hill standing no harm to me though.

By xc204
you guys should start a thread showing the failures of old parts. :lol: but sorry to hear about that pedal. maybe an axel swap and some bending of the face plate could remedy that?
went down on a chain break in middle of busy intersection
got bars in the gut
hard to look cool commin out of that

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