OK guys...Lets see some cool bike art

Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Some very nice stuff here. I should have know there'd be a lot of artists in a forum like this. Kind'a gets my creative juices going to see all of this nice bicycle art. Perhaps I'll do something to contribute. In the mean time, I'd love to see more. Nice work people!
hey i got an idea for a future bike build. drew it during school when i had free time. let me know what you think and any tips for it would be great. drawn on this yellow-ish tracing paper(it looks cool) with HB pencil.
Hey there Hewey, how's things? Haven't been to the TC forums in quite a while, are they doing well? Nice ride you have there! Great photo to go with it. I dig the distorted drain pipe. Nice composition, particularly in black and white.