Old guy from PA

Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Jan 1, 2015
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Greetings. Started off the New Year by joining the forum.

I've found that "authentic" retorations cost a fortune if you can even find the parts. I'm not a big fan of "debuilding" a valuable survivor, but I have come across a number of bikes like the 1930's Columbia I have.

Forks need straightened but the frame otherwise good. Getting a tank, decals, chain guard, stand, proper bars, etc. would not be a good investment as the bike itself is nothing special.

I think it would be interesting to use my imagination and use the frame/fork to build something unique and sell off the orginal parts I don't use to someone going the authentic route.

MY first question is how do I post a photo? Must I open an account somewhere then post a url to the other site?

Second question: I noticed a nice selection of fenders on this site at what I consider good prices but the description says something to the effect as is. Anyone know what this means? Are they usable as delivered.....scratched, dented, etc.?

Thanks for any info and Happy New Year.
"AS IS" is the condition in which something is sold. [What you see is what you get]

The photo thing is a bit tricky, but as stated above, Photobucket would greatly help your cause iffin you havent got one yet.
[Photobucket allows you to upload photos and directly link them based on criteria.. site..etc..]
Once you have your photo uploaded on Photobucket, there will be a "gear" symbolizing tools/options with your individual photo. Clicking "Share Links" is what you need. Pick "Direct Link", highlight it and copy it.

Coming back to this page, you want to put your writing cursor where you'd like your photo.

{I.e. If you want your photo down here, put the cursor here, instead of all this jabber}

By clicking the little yellow and framed picture in the widgets you have above writing boxes like this [as you're in the writing stage] it should open a little window with a Link/Address search box. You want to paste your photos "DIRECT LINK" into this box, and accept.. Allow a moment for loading, and your picture should begin to unveil.

If not, listen to us56456712 and hop into a forum, at the top of one of the primary forum, there should be a thread about "posting photos", which was made by our head man here, RATROD.

I hope this was of help! And welcome.

"AS IS" is the condition in which something is sold. [What you see is what you get]

The photo thing is a bit tricky, but as stated above, Photobucket would greatly help your cause iffin you havent got one yet.
[Photobucket allows you to upload photos and directly link them based on criteria.. site..etc..]
Once you have your photo uploaded on Photobucket, there will be a "gear" symbolizing tools/options with your individual photo. Clicking "Share Links" is what you need. Pick "Direct Link", highlight it and copy it.

Coming back to this page, you want to put your writing cursor where you'd like your photo.

{I.e. If you want your photo down here, put the cursor here, instead of all this jabber}

By clicking the little yellow and framed picture in the widgets you have above writing boxes like this [as you're in the writing stage] it should open a little window with a Link/Address search box. You want to paste your photos "DIRECT LINK" into this box, and accept.. Allow a moment for loading, and your picture should begin to unveil.

If not, listen to us56456712 and hop into a forum, at the top of one of the primary forum, there should be a thread about "posting photos", which was made by our head man here, RATROD.

I hope this was of help! And welcome.

Also, make sure you have the picture you are uploading in a file or location in your photobucket that will be permanent. If you move or delete the picture the link to where you posted the picture(s) will be broken and will not be viewable to others.
Click on Forums. Then open something like "Bike Talk". One of the first posts is "how to post pictures". This is the easiest bicycle site to use I have found. It works well and is not cumbersome or clunky. Don't know about the fenders. Welcome.

Tried to find it on my own, but no luck.....thanks for the heads up!
"AS IS" is the condition in which something is sold. [What you see is what you get]

The photo thing is a bit tricky, but as stated above, Photobucket would greatly help your cause iffin you havent got one yet.
[Photobucket allows you to upload photos and directly link them based on criteria.. site..etc..]
Once you have your photo uploaded on Photobucket, there will be a "gear" symbolizing tools/options with your individual photo. Clicking "Share Links" is what you need. Pick "Direct Link", highlight it and copy it.

Coming back to this page, you want to put your writing cursor where you'd like your photo.

{I.e. If you want your photo down here, put the cursor here, instead of all this jabber}

By clicking the little yellow and framed picture in the widgets you have above writing boxes like this [as you're in the writing stage] it should open a little window with a Link/Address search box. You want to paste your photos "DIRECT LINK" into this box, and accept.. Allow a moment for loading, and your picture should begin to unveil.

If not, listen to us56456712 and hop into a forum, at the top of one of the primary forum, there should be a thread about "posting photos", which was made by our head man here, RATROD.

I hope this was of help! And welcome.


Thanks will try tomorrow
I'm from Bristol! You've probably seen me in the courier for baseball lol Welcome to the site!

I'm sure you're much younger than me (most everyone is!), but I remember well the many Thanksgiving Day M=ville - Bristol football games. Was quite a rivalry for many years.

Again, many years ago, we used to hang out at the Levittown Shopping Center which is now long gone.

Baseball was my sport...had league leading batting average but was injured midway thru the season and didn't qualify because I didn't have enough abs.
I'm sure you're much younger than me (most everyone is!), but I remember well the many Thanksgiving Day M=ville - Bristol football games. Was quite a rivalry for many years.

Again, many years ago, we used to hang out at the Levittown Shopping Center which is now long gone.

Baseball was my sport...had league leading batting average but was injured midway thru the season and didn't qualify because I didn't have enough abs.

I graduated from Bristol High just last year and that rivalry still goes strong. Morrisville's football team isn't what it used to be. The past couple years the Thanksgiving game was cancelled! Over 80 years of that tradition spoiled. Levittown Shopping Center has been resurrected if you're talking about the one along the Levittown Parkway and Route 13. Walmart, auto zone, Ross, etc. stuff like that.
Hey I'm new to this site and can't for the life of me figure out how to upload photos to my profile. There's no upload photos button or anything! Is it just me or is it because my account is too new for photo uploading? Most other forum sites make it very easy to upload photos from computers but I've been having trouble figuring out how here. Also uploading a photo from URL only is not as preferable as uploading from computer or URL while creating a thread/reply.
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Hey I'm new to this site and can't for the life of me figure out how to upload photos to my profile. There's no upload photos button or anything! Is it just me or is it because my account is too new for photo uploading? Most other forum sites make it very easy to upload photos from computers but I've been having trouble figuring out how here. Also uploading a photo from URL only is not as preferable as uploading from computer or URL while creating a thread/reply.
If you have a photobucket account, upload photos from there. When you type in your text and ready to add a photo, have another tab open for your photobucket switch to it select the picture your posting from your files, click the direct link on the right side until it flashes Copied. Switch to your open tab for Rat Rod Bikes. Look at the menu bar on top of the message box. There is a rectangle miniature picture on the right side of the smiley face. When you have the cursor on it, it will say image. Tap that and a box will open up, right click inside that box and then paste (right click on your mouse) and then hit post. Your picture should appear in your message box. Then hit POST at the bottom box under the message box.
In Intros to this forum also has instructions for posting/uploading pictures.
I hope this was helpful.
This forum has limited hosting for paid members, otherwise you need to post them from a hosting service like Photobucket or flicker, or your own web page if you have one.
Hey I'm new to this site and can't for the life of me figure out how to upload photos to my profile. There's no upload photos button or anything! Is it just me or is it because my account is too new for photo uploading? Most other forum sites make it very easy to upload photos from computers but I've been having trouble figuring out how here. Also uploading a photo from URL only is not as preferable as uploading from computer or URL while creating a thread/reply.
Also, with your photobucket account make sure you have your files organized to where you are gonna keep the pictures before you post them for a while because if you move them or delete them it will break the thread and no one will be able to see what picture you posted.
Thanks for the tips but, they really need to make an upload from computer button! Just saying. I think doing all this stuff just to get a photo seems like something that is being more complicated than it needs to be. A simple from computer upload button with from URL being an option would be a much appreciated feature for this forum. This forum site is not the only one I've tried that realy should consider an upload from computer option. This would also solve that broken thread issue when a photobucket image is delieted.

It feels like I need to create another website or create an account somewhere just to post photos here. That feels very primitive/inconvenient to me and it's something I realy shouldn't have to do to post an image. Directly from computer seems to be the most convenient and preferred way on most other forum sites.

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