OM flyer

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I took the liberty to show a few other tire color options - I kinda like the white or black

Just a quick photoshop, nothing fancy

Stock Tires

Black, Blue, Red, Green and White




Hey all, had to bring this thread back from the dead.... I went and raced my OM tonight, this was the first time in probably ten years I had wheeled a BMX bike in competition, I was just glad I could still balance in the gate, and I was glad I came home in one piece.... this was a get together of old school BMX guys from MInnesota to just hang out and race a little, and I LOVE how my OM feels on the track, to me the geometry works awsome, not too slack or choppery, not too darty or quick either, I moved the rear wheel as far forward as I could and that made it feel bettter, lots of fun and I will definitly be getting out on the track again, I got a full ABA membership for a year, so gotta use it....

This race was called the Condo classic, a take off on the old Rondo classic indoor races in the late 70's and early 80's in the twin cities, here's a few shots of some of the old school bikes that were on display....



That's awesome! I really like the changes you did on your OM and those little bikes are cool too. :wink: A long long time ago I used to race in a roller skating rink with wood jumps in spring time in Winnipeg. Those were the days. :D
These SE bikes are so cool!
Being from the UK and not heard of them before just wondering what SE and OM mean. Also, are the UK's 'DMR Bikes' known in the US?
stephen said:
These SE bikes are so cool!
Being from the UK and not heard of them before just wondering what SE and OM mean. Also, are the UK's 'DMR Bikes' known in the US?

SE stands for Scot Enterprises which was the name the original owner Scot Breithaupt named SE racing.
OM stands for Old Man which was Scot's nickname around the BMX tracks and his "signature" bike was the OM Flyer.
I'm not sure about the US but DMR bikes are well known in Canada, especially the dirt jumpers. :D
Man, I was going to get the new 08 at my LBS but when I brought the book home to show my wife, she said "are you kidding?, You will look like Ronald McDonald riding down the street". Well with that comment I told her your are right, now I made up my mind and the next day ordered my Fireman's Texas Cruzer.
kendal said:
Man, I was going to get the new 08 at my LBS but when I brought the book home to show my wife, she said "are you kidding?, You will look like Ronald McDonald riding down the street". Well with that comment I told her your are right, now I made up my mind and the next day ordered my Fireman's Texas Cruzer.

Why? Are you wearing a red fro' wig and a yellow jumpsuit? :wink: :lol: Just kidding, I have the white one and love it.
My dad has an original OM flyer in blue. Back in the mid 80s we put derailleurs and center pull brakes on it to create an early MTB. He still has it but doesn't ride it much. Next time I'm over there I will get a picture of it. It has a sweet Cinelli stem and Ive never seen another like it.
Here is the bike I mentioned earlier in this thread. In 1981 my parents took the whole family on a long road trip from Michigan to California. Since I had just purchased a PK ripper I wanted to stop at S.E. racing and take a tour. The owner was Scott Brehaupt (not sure of the spelling) and he had just left the day before with the race team for a tour over seas. A guy who I cant remember his name gave us a tour of the place and I bought pads, stickers, and a poster from them. My dad became interested in the OM flyer and when we got back from the trip he ordered one directly from the factory. Right away he put deraileurs on it and low bars. The Pitbull brakes and seat were later additions. Check out the Cinelli stem.



Oh, man, that bike is to die for. If it's ever up for sale, let me know.
That bike is sweet....So I have someone selling me this exact bike second hand>so how much should i pay for it reasonably :D
If it's a newer one, in stock configuration, $350 is fair for one in mint condition. If it's in fair condition, maybe $250-$300.
It's 2007 OM Flyer bone stock almost mint with all the padding except for a small paint chip on the fork.
The guy is asking for 350...
Is it really a collectors /hard to find cruiser nowadays? or just a hype :roll:
bike_dude said:
It's 2007 OM Flyer bone stock almost mint with all the padding except for a small paint chip on the fork.
The guy is asking for 350...
Is it really a collectors /hard to find cruiser nowadays? or just a hype :roll:

the 07 was the 30th anniversary bike and I heard 400 were made. don't know if the production numbers are true but anniversary bikes are usually collectors. the new retro ones are just regular high number production models that look cool, I just bought a big ripper off the guy rat rod posted, it's way cool.