Watch out for Mojave Max!Couple of nerdy action shots and a view south to north in Red Rock.

Watch out for Mojave Max!Couple of nerdy action shots and a view south to north in Red Rock.
For sure. Have yet to run crossed one of the tortoises. Saw Big Horn out by Lake mead. Deer up Charleston. And saw Rabbits and wild donkeys near red rock.Watch out for Mojave Max!
One of mine too. The purple and red flowers were all over in the wash. Those cracked earth parts of the wash are fun to ride as well, funny sound of ground breaking as you toole along.One of my favorites.
Thanks KingFish, appreciate it.Great build. That wheel/tire combo look great on that. Cool photos too.
Awesome effects there! Love the bike.Thanks OJ, i appreciate it. Those cloudy shots are sometimes difficult to get to show right.
It will be a fun ride when we do get together. There are trails all over between here and Mesa!.
Some down near Havasu that I'd like to ride. Also Valley of Fire. South of Grand Canyon and southern Utah are all great offroad riding in Winter. Spring around here starts late january on some years.
Building... riding...