(ORBO)"Mister Schwinnster"

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If someone told me they planned on using a bright RED saddle I would have cringed. My opinion would have been that a brightly colored saddle is too flashy and/or childish. Seeing it on your bike has proven me to be 100% WRONG! It's the frosting on the cake and really brings the whole thing together. Fantastic. The perfect accent.
If someone told me they planned on using a bright RED saddle I would have cringed. My opinion would have been that a brightly colored saddle is too flashy and/or childish. Seeing it on your bike has proven me to be 100% WRONG! It's the frosting on the cake and really brings the whole thing together. Fantastic. The perfect accent.
Thank you very much to be honest I thought the same but took a risk to see the outcome.
Priced CST JackRabbit tires at Niagara not bad about $15 each. You like the ride? I find I'm liking my klunker on some of our beat up potholed :20: roads around here.