You have a very interesting bike there. Custom chainguard. Any signs of chainguard being handmade? There were a number of bicycles used for the movie. Could be worth $. Send me a PM, I can direct you to people that know more than me.
Is it possible you found a stunt bike? I know in movies with cars they have stunt cars which are made to look like the hero car, yet up close aren't the real deal. I do remember seeing that movie and there were a few scenes were throwing the hero bike around would not be suitable.hey matt!
I asked a few guys who have built them but cant get any solid answers. Chain guard is really well made (talked to someone who makes reproductions now). Trying to figure out why theres so many extra peices welded to this. Also, schwinn gooseneck has an allen bolt drilled directly into the top (where i would assume tiger speaker would go?), and theres really messed up white tape where the x1 has pin stripes!