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I don't have a single 2x4 in all my scrap stuff, and nothing else that will work to spread the stays.
But I got some work done. I removed the steel plate from Lazyboy, marked it and cut the dropout extensions. The plate can't go back on the Lazyboy yet, the heat index is already 100 at 8am! It's a little cooler in the shop because it's semi-subterranean.

Time for another vid! Notice I have all my safety gear on with flip flops! I use a chair to protect my feet from falling steel and hot sparks.

I like how the extensions have a fin shape. How they will sit is still an unknown. I think rear facing slots will work best and look good.
06 May 2024 cuts.jpg

I also cut the brake bridge. The bolt is just the right thickness to fit in the ends that are left. I'm waiting to cut the bolt so it will be just the right width after opening up the stays.
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This shows where the 2x4 will sit to spread open the stays.
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The rubber mallet is 3 1/2" wide! I used it to widen the stays, along with a big clamp I picked up last year. I put the plate back on Lazyboy first.

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At the hardware store the wife pointed it out and asked if I needed that. Of course I said yes. When she asked what for I said: "Lots of things!" So it's finally getting some use. I'll show her the pic so she will believe me every time I say something is needed. :113:

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The chain stays went ok but one side bent outward more than the other. When I mount the wheel I'll probably need to make adjustments. I'll use the string method to align the wheel.

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The seatstays went well. Plenty wide and the bolt thing works!

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That bolt idea is genius!

Don’t give up on those chain stays. Personally I think they need to be corrected. Even if you use the string method to get the bike to track straight it would drive me nuts having them that far out of symmetry.

I am confident you can figure out some sort of jig to bend them so they match.
The spacers for the fork showed up, so I can trim the fork tube tomorrow along with working on the dropout extensions. The shim for the seatpost needed to be 25.4 to 30.6 mm, so I ordered another one. I ordered 25.4 to 27.2 without measuring twice.:crazy:

I found another type of brake while browsing, and it was the last one so I ordered it. It looks like a band brake but doesn't use a band, it looks like a regular drum brake and sturdier than the band brakes.

Great work arounds on the frame mods WC! And your wife is picking up what you're laying down. That's always a smile moment for me. :wink1: Last night we were sitting on the deck and she said, "How old is that bike you are working on?" I told her we were still figuring it out, but that it was my oldest I'd ever worked on. And that I was happy she could tell it had a unique look.
Added the spacers and trimmed the fork. I made sure the spring bracket was lined up exactly. These cheap springers only have one spot that's right where it attaches to the upper fork. If your bike had just the right size headtube, you're in luck. These spacers also make it possible to use the fork on another frame if need be. That's a possibility because I modified this frame and maybe wrecked it. :41:
I also tried some smaller bars but they won't get it. I also found a cap nut that fits the spring bolt. It doesn't need it, just for looks.
08 May 24 b.jpg

I worked on the dropouts too. They will bolt on to the existing dropouts, 2 bolts each. I drilled them out and used some extra bolts just to get a look. I marked where the slots will go for the rear axle. I lined up the wheel and used the floor tiles to check the pedal clearance. Then I eyeballed the alignment of the wheel. It doesn't look promising but I'll have a better idea when it's bolted in.
08 May 24 a.jpg
A couple orders showed up. I have a 1" pipe bender that will hopefully make adjusting the frame easier and more accurate.

I also got a grinding wheel thing that uses a drill. I'll try it out to see if it's worth the 6 dollars I spent on it. I might mount it on the same big piece of wood as the angle grinder adapter.

09 May 2024 pipe bender.jpg
I used the last piece of waterpipe I had for the pipe bender. It needed to be ground down to slide in but it's right.
10 May tools.jpg

I mounted the drill grinding wheel thing and tried it out. My drill won't run by itself so I had to hold the switch on.

I drilled holes at the end of where the slots will go. The wheel is lined up exactly to the drops using those holes.
10 May drops.jpg

The alignment isn't as bad as I thought, but still pretty bad.
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I thought I would have to go with the backup frame, which may also get ruined in the process. Good thing I didn't quit my day job.
10 May 2024 backup frame.jpg

I was in the shop from 7 to 9am and it's too hot so bending will wait until tomorrow.

10 May stance.jpg
I used the last piece of waterpipe I had for the pipe bender. It needed to be ground down to slide in but it's right.
View attachment 264935

I mounted the drill grinding wheel thing and tried it out. My drill won't run by itself so I had to hold the switch on.
View attachment 264936

I drilled holes at the end of where the slots will go. The wheel is lined up exactly to the drops using those holes.
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The alignment isn't as bad as I thought, but still pretty bad.
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I thought I would have to go with the backup frame, which may also get ruined in the process. Good thing I didn't quit my day job.
View attachment 264939

I was in the shop from 7 to 9am and it's too hot so bending will wait until tomorrow.

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Every is coming together nicely!
I like the styling on the dropouts. Don't you need more than on bolt to hold them though? What is going to keep the extension from rotating up once you put some weight on it?
There are two holes in each one. I don't have bolts through the upper hole yet. One bolt goes through the dropout slot and the upper bolt goes through the triangular hole in the dropout. That gives a good solid hold on the extension and gives some adjustment of the extension. Once everything is set, I can trim the extensions for a little more flair.
10 May stance a.jpg
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I went to work on the frame again. The pipebender worked but needed more leverage, so I used a wrench to get more pull.
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I kept the bending to a minimum hoping to save the frame from disaster.
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After the first try, I checked the wheel.
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It's not perfect but pretty close and gives enough clearance. I'm stopping there while I'm ahead.

A new laidback seatpost and old pair of grips are ready to go and the shims for the seatpost are out for delivery today. This thing might be on the road this week.
13 May f.jpg

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