Love those fatties. Looking good.
Every is coming together nicely!I used the last piece of waterpipe I had for the pipe bender. It needed to be ground down to slide in but it's right.
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I mounted the drill grinding wheel thing and tried it out. My drill won't run by itself so I had to hold the switch on.
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I drilled holes at the end of where the slots will go. The wheel is lined up exactly to the drops using those holes.
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The alignment isn't as bad as I thought, but still pretty bad.
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I thought I would have to go with the backup frame, which may also get ruined in the process. Good thing I didn't quit my day job.
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I was in the shop from 7 to 9am and it's too hot so bending will wait until tomorrow.
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There are two holes in each one. I don't have bolts through the upper hole yet. One bolt goes through the dropout slot and the upper bolt goes through the triangular hole in the dropout. That gives a good solid hold on the extension and gives some adjustment of the extension. Once everything is set, I can trim the extensions for a little more flair.I like the styling on the dropouts. Don't you need more than on bolt to hold them though? What is going to keep the extension from rotating up once you put some weight on it?
View attachment 264656I found another type of brake while browsing, and it was the last one so I ordered it. It looks like a band brake but doesn't use a band, it looks like a regular drum brake and sturdier than the band brakes.
The hub is threaded for a cog, or cluster on one or both sides.