Post questions about it on his auctions. Or can the seller choose what becomes visible and what doesn't? Regardless, he's misrepresenting the items he's selling if he's using pictures of a different item.
Hi. Do you realize that you're knowingly misrepresenting this item on your auction? Do you want your customers to know that this is a Mongoose Beast, which they could buy at their local Walmart for half your asking price? Do you understand that it's not cool to steal other ppl's images of semi-customized bikes to sell different bikes on ebay? That may be illegal, and it's definitely against ebay's policies.
Have a great day!
Toeslider said:It only shows up if the seller wants it to.
Aside from the stolen pictures, he's not really doing anything wrong, per se. Immoral maybe, but not illegal. Buyer beware. People advertise brand new GMC Denali bikes on my Craigslist all the time for more than they cost new. They don't even change the name.
Rat Rod said:I'm not even sure that the concept of someone using my photos without permission is what's got me annoyed.
It's more about the fact that the guy is running sleazy auctions and he's connecting me with it by using my pics.
Then, to top it off, when I asked him politely to stop using my photos, he was a jerk about it and seemed to enjoy the fact that "there was nothing I could do about it."
wheelhorseman said:Just noticed hes also spelling wrong on purpose calling the 29er and Astro not an Astra and spelling Gunesis wrong. Total stinkin scum IMO.
Bicycle808 said:RenMan,
I could kind of see your point, except that he's been renaming the bikes, so those "suckers" never get a chance to comparison-shop. If he puts a Mongoose Beast on ebay for $370,the suckers can google it and see that it's price at WallyWorld. If they don't, then that's kind of their fault, although he's still a scuzz to do that to ppl. But, he's calling it a Lunar Bi Rover, which is a fake name. If you don't already know what you're looking at, you might get suckered in.
RatSphinx said:There are no Lunar Bi Rovers being offered currently. Maybe the Shoddy condition they arrive in put an end to them. I don't know anything about the other bikes he offers.