I followed up with an ad on craigslist today that read "Schwinn Cruiser, $60....." It had no pics and really bad grammar but I figured it was worth a shot. It said it was a Typhoon which is a coaster brake model which made it even better. I called the guy and asked him about it so he told me the condition. It was in pieces, no tires, but had the frame and fork(still installed) in original condition, original wheels(pretty rusty in some parts) and chainguard, both fenders and bars, again both kinda rusty, but there. For 60 bucks I thought this was a great deal so I decided to go meet him. He lived out in Midlothian area, so I got a zipcar (I love those things) for three hours and drove out there. I met with him and he was a total bike enthusiast and was showing me some other things he had and then he showed me what I had come to look at. It was great, all original condition (not perfect by any means, but I am not looking for that), everything was straight and I liked it alot. He asked me if I would be interested in seeing something else he had maybe to take home. I was thinking at this point, well I only have about 18 bucks left over from what I brought with me, I dont know if I can afford anything else if this was 60. He showed me this same looking frame built by AMF Roadmaster, complete, and he said he'd give it to me for 20 dollars! I told him I only had 18 and he said its yours if you want to take it. I couldn't believe it, here I was ona whim way out in the burbs to buy what I was hoping to be something decent, and I was about to drive home with almost 2 bikes! And all of this for 78 dollars?! I told him I would take it, I am not someone to shy away from a complete bike for 18 dollars. I loaded them in the car and talked alittle bit more with this guy. After some bike talk I went on my way home and got them home. Here are some pictures I took with my camera phone (I think I am the only one without a proper digital camera)...they are kinda crappy and kinda small, but they atleast show you what they are. They'll need a little work to get them going to really not all that much. Working bikes is going to be my new best friend for parts. So it was a great day to say the least!
This is the AMF (I dont know her year yet)
Here's the typhoon (I've named her Delilah, and I need to find out her year as well)
This is going to be great fun!!
As things progress I will take some better pics and get these girls ready ratdom!
This is the AMF (I dont know her year yet)

Here's the typhoon (I've named her Delilah, and I need to find out her year as well)

This is going to be great fun!!
As things progress I will take some better pics and get these girls ready ratdom!