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please help me find a cheep pinsriper for my bike logos

any help will be greatly appreclated thanks!!!

PS i live in Charlotte NC
go to car shows they r always there or yahoo pinstripers page u can find someone local good luck or call some sign shops older guys still do it good luck :!: :!:
u need to let people no what area u are in , i do pinstriping but i am va beach va . but the car shows and sign shops are good starts , or a body shop that does custom work .
Well, it's you, or You.
There is also capitalization at the beginning of sentences.
There are also supposed to be periods at the end of sentences.
jalopyjimmy13 said:
so we are in writing class *** ever man were here to share thoughts n ideas dont be one of those guys now come on no offence :roll:

No, we're in America where we speak and write in English. Gary
so dont read my post. if u see my name just dont read it sosimple as that i dont really care just trying to help him out dont care if my english and writing is correct on the forum.
contact kendall johnson killer clown cycles they should be able to let u know someone in that area.
I'm really sorry to have been a dink, guys. You'd think that in forty years I'd've learned to keep my trap shut. This wasn't the time or the place for any of this and I added to it.
I usually keep my forum english correct, but I think of typing like texting (which I also do correctly) so it doesn't matter to me what people type as long as I get the idea. Anyway, I am in North Carolina and I know a few stripers in my area. But I'm also 1.5 hours from Charlotte. But I'll get some info if you're up for the drive. I might even know someone in Statesville, but it's been a while since I've been in touch with him, so no promises.