hey monster, figured i'd reply to your pm here.
lucky 13, non motorized.
this is the bike pictured in the new gallery (i just had to get that it, i'm so excited bout that.-thanks)
it is indeed a coaster front brake. while i can't take credit for the idea,(saw it here on rrb) i believe it was the first chain actived suicide brake.
i carved the shift knob from a piece of gaboon eboney, and used some steel/brass/alum/ tubing to make the inlay.
the lever is actually 1/2 of a cast iron gate pull.
a simple return spring makes it all possible.
its all documented in my build threads.
destiny turned lucky 13
the motorized terror is my indiain't (cause it aint no indian)

that puelly/extra chain, is all part of my fake crank case to look more like the 1912 indian that inspired the build.
again its all documented here in my build thread's
even got some silly vid's for your amusement.