No, I wish I had the space to do it but my painter is very reasonable and does great work. Thanks for the tip for cleaning the chain. White vinegar worked wonders. The chain looks almost new. I have the original Torrington pedals off my DX that I may use. Not sure about the grips yet.yewhi said:Nicely done my friend! Did you do the paint yourself?
sandmangts said:Thanks for the tip for cleaning the chain. White vinegar worked wonders.
Sure thing, I am still hanging on to those parts incase you need them too. Polishing is all about patience. Bench grinders are a must. Home Depot has a polishing kit that is inexpensive and very effective. It includes 4 polishing compounds from course to superfine and 2 buffing wheels. I find on bare aluminum it is all I need. Parts with clear coats or heavy oxidation are another story. For instance these cranks were badly pitted and the ano coat was coming off. I had to wet sand from 320 grit to 400 to 600 to 800 to 1000 to 1500 and then polish from course to fine and then use a cream polish like Mothers to coat and protect from oxidation. I still did not get all the ano off the back but they looked good enough.41DX said:aha,
I didn' know JW had a hand in you finding your DX.......
Aaron, I want lessons from you on polishing parts.....
can I bring by a bunch of stuff and you can show me how to polish em..
This project is so cool.
xHOBOPHOBIAx said:Great looking bike. I might just be an idiot, but how do you get those bars on that stem?
yoothgeye said:xHOBOPHOBIAx said:Great looking bike. I might just be an idiot, but how do you get those bars on that stem?
Look at the ends of the brace bar where it is welded to the main bars, it is crimped flat, if you twist the bars when installing you can make that flat part go through the opening in the stem.
Yeah, I know, but the boy sure loves it and it is really a perfect bike for it with the gearing and the weight balance. We were rolling in style around the bay last weekend. I managed to strip the crank nut on the Elgin but thankfully I did not screw up the crank so I have to get another nut and I am waiting on some nice Schwalbe Fat Alberts. After that I will move on to my DX clunker project. Parts aquisition alone could take years for this one.yewhi said:Aaron,
The Elgin looks great but.... Well.. Ok I've got to say it.
Putting a child carrier on the merc is just plain wrong! There. I said it. don't hate me