Problem Adding A Rear Brake Set To A Pure Cycles Fix

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In fixie land, reduced function increases cool. Also, reduced cool increases cool using an inverse irony algorithm.
However, this opens up the fixie paradox, where being cool is uncool, and uncool riders are building uncool bikes in an attempt to cool, but without thethe ironic inversion, causing non cools to think they're cool, rendering the hip actual-cools uncool and obsolete.
Then everyone looks around, realizes that they are all on the same unique bikes, but lack function, and there is nothing cool about that.
HA HA yup this some's it up very well.

I've been riding singlespeed MTB since Y2K and then brakeless fixed gear bikes on the regular since 2006 and my knees are fine. Skid Stops kill knees and those are something I've never aspired to do. The last physical I had, the doc said my knees were "freakishly strong". YMMV
cool I mess with fix gear some of my rigs have brakes. but my pure vintage track bikes do not.