Project Chris

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Get the "bicycle" part of it built and ridable. Then just recreate a Mattel V-RROOM! sticker for the engine. :)

Hard to turn back now take it as far as you can hopefully it will be to the point that it can be peddled . It will l still have the concept & most of the components in place. When it come to pride it will probably hurt but when it comes to votes I don't think it will effect the out come a whole lot.
Rock on R-Man ...

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Hard to turn back now take as far as you can hopefully it will be to the point that it can be peddled . It will l still have the concept & most of the components in place. When it come to pride it will probably hurt but when it comes to votes I don't think it will effect the out come a whole lot.
Rock on R-Man ...

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Right, we're a superficial bunch, its all about the pictures. Just tell us it runs like a champ and we'll be none the wiser. I'd also add that maybe don't get tunnel visioned on the jack shaft idea, perhaps there's a quicker solution like a sprocket that's been bumped out a bit. I thought I was going to have to do that on my build but I have just enough chain clearance. Don't give up yet three weeks is a long time.
Frog Never Give Up Frog.jpg
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If it is acceptable to have two builds listed at the same time, I could possibly combine options 2 and 3 and give myself a little longer to decide which route is best. But if I wait much longer about option 2, I'll end up short of time again!

What do y'all think?

Sounds good to me. Would love to see what you've got for a quick rat build. Would also like to see what you can get done on this.

If you can get the tank and seat done on this one I'd say keep at it and make pretend motor sounds for the ride vid.

Man this summer sure flew by!

I also like the fender going all the way to the chain stays.
Three weeks seem like a short time Jim , but look at it like this. It's like the 2minute warning in a foot ball game its a lot longer then you think . 3 weeks= 500 hours of working time .Thats like an eternity if you hang in there , it's not time to punt quite yet . [emoji6][emoji1303]

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Option 4. Pull the fat knobby off for now. Build it without the jackshaft, knowing you will be using one later. Finish line (I've said this before) is just a fixed point in time for the bike on that day for the voting. I never stop upgrading or restyling my bikes (and my guitars)

Thanks everyone for the encouragement.:)
After much consideration and everyone's input, I've decided to continue forward with Chris. But it will be the impotent version for now. I'm sure that there's some transgender joke to insert here, but I'll resist.

@American Vintage Bicycle Supply , your right, I suppose it's really not much different than @tanksalot 's faux engines on Greased Lightning. Except he has two!
@kingfish254 , the Mattel decal is funny! I might just do that.:21:
@OddJob , also a good stand in for the real thing!
@G-Matt , the real competition is with myself, that's the hard part of not achieving my goals.
@bikewhorder , that is so true, the picture is everything! I've seen some builds in the past would not have been allowed in the finished section if we were required to provide an actual ride video!:21:
@Chad T , I looked through my stash of projects in waiting, and I have a perfect candidate for a quick build.

I actually went ahead and tested one potential deal breaker aspect of it, and it looks like it will not be a problem. This will be my last minute back up plan and I can build it in a day!
@G-Matt , it's the 2 minute warning but with no time-outs left!
@Scribble , Thank you sir!
@Troyminator , I want to see it finished too! And it will be... eventually.:)
@GuitarlCarl , the chain line issue was the straw that broke the camel's back. Even without that problem, I don't think it's possible to completely check off everything on the list in 3 weeks time. Making a functional fiberglass gas tank is what has put me behind the eight ball. I think I could've built the whole bike in the same amount of time it is taking. And I still have a lot left to do to it!:crazy2:
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Thank's everyone. Here's where I left off.

As with all of my builds, I like to find household items to use as parts. For Project Chris it came in the form of an aluminum omelette pan.
omelet pan.jpg

I knew from the beginning that I would be using this, so I allowed for it when I made the engine mounts. Again, just like with the tank tunnel, cutting the correct shape to fit the engine was very tedious. More cereal boxes where cut up to get the basic shapes before the pan was cut.
chris engine tin 1.jpg

The radius of the pan fit the frame perfectly!
chris engine tin 2.jpg

Much beefier than the stock little Chinese engine!
chris engine tin 3.jpg
Frying pan crankcase looks awesome! Had to look back to see what you actually did there.

@Chad T , I looked through my stash of projects in waiting, and I have a perfect candidate for a quick build.

I actually went ahead and tested one potential deal breaker aspect of it, and it looks like it will not be a problem. This will be my last minute back up plan and I can build it in a day!

Love that pic! Post it up if you start fiddling with it. We'll take as much TRM tinkering as we can get..:)
I haven't gotten an update for over a week.
Glad you decided to work through the setback, bike looks great. The omelette pan is awesome, and those tires rock.

I also dig KF's idea on the decal.