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I didn't work on the build yesterday, instead my wife surprised me with a VIP attendance to the NASCAR races at Sonoma Raceway...really cool 8) 8) I was like a kid in a candy shop!
Thanks, everyone for the kudos and the appreciation…REMIX has certainly pushed my boundaries of imagination. I think I mentioned earlier that Steampunk is an unfamiliar theme for me with very specific visual cues. The hardest thing is incorporating “found” and “discarded” pieces; visually fusing them to become one object…it's very challenging and yet very satisfying when I prevail.
I reckon you're doing a great job of the theme and the craftsmanship you use just adds to looking as something that might have been had we stuck with steam rather internal explosian powerplants.

love the art deco style stem as well.

It is a harder thing to know when enough is and stop.

The unused duck part will no doubt find a use in another theme.
By far my favorite build this year for sure. I'm logging in just to see the progress.

What do you plan on doing with it when you are all finished? I'm sure the steampunk conventions would love it.
Fordsnake, if you were a kid in school and they were grading on a curve, you'ed be getting beat up at recess everyday. :D

How is anybody supposed to compete with this? You've setting the bar so high, we're gonna' need to rent a seat from the Russians to get over it. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Warning, this post is meant to be humorous, and not winey.
Double Nickle said:

Do you still have last years bike?

If so could you get a picture of the two when remix is done? That would be pretty sweet to see!

Yeah, I still have both Mofaux and soon as I'm done with Remix I'll take photos of all them together. Thanks for the idea.
Kroozerdave said:
I reckon you're doing a great job of the theme and the craftsmanship you use just adds to looking as something that might have been had we stuck with steam rather internal explosian powerplants.

love the art deco style stem as well.

Then8j said:
By far my favorite build this year for sure. I'm logging in just to see the progress.

jats said:
this thing is over the top dide way cool!!


Funkme said:
This bike is eye popping.... :shock: :shock: :shock:

Thanks guys for the thumbs up on this build...I'm slowing down on what more I can do with it...but we'll see?
I played around with the idea of a metal seat (similar to MoFaux) I'm not a big advocate of seat rails. I prefer to concentrate on the height, I'm 6' 2" with long legs and need all the height I can get.
JoKeR63 said:
Fordsnake, if you were a kid in school and they were grading on a curve, you'ed be getting beat up at recess everyday. :D :

junknutz1975 said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:
Maybe a wedgie too!!

As a kid I was a jock, an all-star athlete, lettered in Baseball, Basketball and Football! I had no qualms beating the crap out of the bullies with my Play-Doh and paint brushes. :D :D :D :D
Everything was going great this past weekend...until I clamped the frame into my bike stand and it damaged the I decided to stripped it and paint it once again! ...I got my technique down to a science.

Today was a good day, the frame is dried (I won't be clamping it into the bike stand anytime soon! :D :D :D) Threw the parts back on...
The metal saddle came out nice and I finally chained the sprockets...Voila! Now all I need to to do is just tweak it these final weeks.

How did you mount the third sprocket?
With it being on the tension side of the loop, it seems that it would be subjected to a lot of force when ever the bike is in a strain (i.e. dead starts, hills, etc.).