Sorry Guys, I am not talking about a person who takes a picture of a cool car or bike. I am talking about people who take pictures and use the photgraph or part of the photograph for their own person gain (money or fame in one way or another).
Many artists, Inventors, Builders take something from nothing and Create it, Because they are talented. it is their property. They took their own sweat to make this. It is their property to be used as they desire.
A painter is an artist, He creates this picture from many different containers of colored goo. A person with a camera is not an Artist. They Duplicate an item they DO NOT create an item. For example they take a picture of someone elses art work. They cut and paste it into their own photograph. They then use this for personal gain. This could be a 10,000.00 bike in a photo shoot that they have cut and pasted in to the photo. Their other option would be to pay the owner for use of the bike. They choose to take another persons item, their property and use it for their own gain. The sneaky way, The underhanded way. If they dont want to pay then dont use the item for display in their shoot.
Artists sell their pictures. But a Photographer chooses to take a picture and Duplicate the Artists picture and not pay him for it. Then the Photographer says it is his work and wants to be paid for it.
If you are selling an item that you built, created or bought with your money, would you want someone else using it in some way to make themselves money? Be Honest!
My statement is that Photographers should pay and get releases from people. They want to Duplicate other peoples property for their own gain. Most do not even ask the owner if they can take a pictures, ***? But they do not.
Pay for the use of the bike as a Prop.