Ridin': Lots of Water

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Re: Ridin': Memorial Day Soggy Group Ride

Thanks Nick! Yeah, the job at Milford Proving Grounds was very cool
Even if it wasn't working on the Vette (2007 Duramax and 2009 Chev Captiva)
I would be on the test tracks and could hear/see the ZO7s doing Full Throttle Runs 8) :D

Thanks Skipton! I'm hoping to at least get him used to the Eliminator handling, wheelies would be cool though
Think I'll leave the shifter off for now so he doesn't pull a Ralph Nader and wants to have kids :lol:

Nickinator organized a ride so we could finally get together (on his facebook page)
Nick's Mom did a great graphics job for the new T shirts (funny how they have Nick's Bluebird on them :lol: )

RustyK, his girlfriend, and me left their house with their very cool bikes

We all met up at Minnehaha Falls and sure enough it started to rain but we decided to tough it out

Headed out along the Minnehaha Creek bike trail and it was cool to be in a kinda parade
Nick's Friend's blacked-out, fat-fenders bike is just too cool

Got over to Lake Nokomis Beach and it started raining harder so we got a quick group shot

We had a newbie to our rag tag group "MrA" (Welcome!) and he had a gorgeous Hiawatha
He's new to the addiction but is getting hooked in fast
His bike must be Murray made and looks like a Flightliner with Spaceliner parts
The fire engine rack is very cool and it works along with the tank horn and light
If anyone has any idea of what goes on the front fender please help out, thanks

So Nick and RustyK swapped out bikes and Nick's Friend and me swapped too :D
Nick's friend said the Eliminator handled well and he looked relaxed
This makes me really happy because the skinny front tire on my wife's eliminator and JUP make them steer a bit twitchy

Headed on back as the rain got heavier but everybody's spirits were high

My favorite artsy shot with Nick's friend's bike (it rolled so smooth!)

We split up as some packed up their bikes and we headed off to RustyK's for a BBQ
It was super nice that they hosted us, Nick's Mom brought great food and fantastic bars MMMM!

The boys snuck off into RustyK's awesome bike shop in the basement

RustyK's newest project a Mead Ranger, very cool

Hung out a while and talked bikes, what a blast
Decide to take my soggy self home (for a nap after all the good food :lol: )

Think we all had a great time despite the rain
Plan on having more group rides where we can invite more of the local RRB members

The MN Antique and Classic Swap Meet is coming up soon (June9th at Penn Cycle, Bloomington, MN)
Hope to see more of the locals show up and show off their bikes

Thanks for looking
Re: Ridin': Memorial Day Soggy Group Ride

what's a little rain when your are having fun? :D

thanks for posting, nice pictures.
Re: Ridin': Memorial Day Soggy Group Ride

It was great fun, can't wait until we can ride in some nice weather. It's so great that you document all of this stuff Steve!
Re: Ridin': Memorial Day Soggy Group Ride

good pictures and stories.

...so how do I get one of the "SPEEDY" bike club t-shirts? Love it.
Re: Ridin': Memorial Day Soggy Group Ride

ifitsfreeitsforme said:
good pictures and stories.

...so how do I get one of the "SPEEDY" bike club t-shirts? Love it.

They are a Twin Six design.

I have got to make it down for one of those rides.............. I have not met any of you guys yet. I am planning on coming to the swap, hopefully do intro's then.
Re: Ridin': Memorial Day Soggy Group Ride

^^ thanks for the link. Some great shirts there.
Re: Ridin': Memorial Day Soggy Group Ride

ifitsfreeitsforme said:
^^ thanks for the link. Some great shirts there.

No problem, great company and great customer service. Their wool jersey's are awesome. I will try to shorten the story but, I was driving across MN and needed a wool jersey due to some miss handling of the one I had and I had contacted a shop in Minneapolis that was going to have one for me when I got there. That shop dropped the ball (he felt terrible) so he contacted Twin Six, they waited an hour past quitting time for me to arrive at their warehouse so I could buy a jersey. I have had that jersey for three years now, put countless miles on it, and it still looks like the day I picked it up except for a little roughness on the wrist were it comes in contact with the velcro on my gloves. Well worth the extra coin for a good wool jersey.
Re: Ridin': Roilin' Cloud Ride

Thanks Nick for the comps and setting up the ride with RustyK :D :D
Thanks Jerry! We've had so much rain this spring that we can wait any more and have to play in the rain :lol:
Hey RustyK, it's a lot of fun to take pics with a great group of people

Thanks Randy, I'm really happy we are starting to do more together too
I got too jealous of your Coaster's Bike Club and had to try harder for a club here too :D

Thanks IIFOFM! Glad you like them, I see your question got answered below for Fixed 1313
I've had great luck with them too, My wife buys me stuff for TwinSix a lot and they are very good quality
Ya notice it says "Speedy Bike Club --Minneapolis" :lol:
I have a few shirts and they are cut so they come far down below your waist
so they aren't above it :oops: went bent over and riding :D
The "Crank" shirt and the red "Speedy" water bottle get a lot of looks

Thanks Fixed 1313 for the response, link, and story. I agree!!
I'm sure looking forward to meeting you at the swap meet
Hopefully some others will come and we can make some concrete plans for future ride(s) :D :D

So Last Friday, it was first day in quite a while that it wasn't raining for sure
It looked like it was going to pour and the clouds were roiling

But I had to get a Full Tilt ride at the max I could push myself to blow off the frustrations of the week, Arghhh
Took off and started feeling rain drops by the time I hit the ride road trail but then turned up the juice
Past everybody I met and rode ahead of the rain

Got only one action shot at the top of Franklin Ave Bridge
I've never seen this before (and it isn't very visible from the pic)
but there was some shafts of sunlight coming through the clouds
and every spot it broke through, there was a small rainbow,
a quick count (at full speed) was ~5 mini rainbows :shock: 8)

Got home with my heart just about jumping out of my chest but felt a lot better
Grabbed a glass of water to sit outside and chug down and it just started pouring, big time
Thought I was pretty lucky but forgot my wife was on .5 hr into a 2 hour run
She said it actually felt good and cooled her off so I was glad

BTW: Did you see that Mpls has the best park systems in the nation? Yeah! Go MPLS!!!
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nati ... a/2390431/

Thanks for looking, more pics and less words next time , I promise...
Re: Ridin': Sunny Saturday Morning

I'm already a week behind...
A week ago Saturday morning (1Jun) I woke up to sunshine which has been rare this spring
Saw that it was going to cloud up and rain in a few hours
So took out my Wife's Spaceliner with the new Bontrager Solanas and Electra sweet heart chain ring
I'm hoping to get the original rack and chain guard soon too

First just started to find sunny spots

Then rode to Lake Street bridge and it was fantastic outside :D

I love this view

Rode to a cool tattoo parlor and the sun already started to go away

Saw this gorgeous 69 Vette at Napa (asked the guy the year and I said it was very cool)
Sounded like a big block as he took off :D

Stopped at Longfellow Park to get the last full sunshine shot

Posted more pics this time, I did promise :lol:
My Wife and me are going to Portland in the morning and we are going riding there :D

I'll get more posted when I get back
Thanks for looking
Re: Ridin': Pedal Old Metal Bike Show

My Wife and me went out to Portland Oregon to visit her family
While we were there we went out to the Pedal Old Metal Bike show

Met a couple of RRB members out there, Skidmark and ??? (sorry)
Lots of very cool bikes

Donald Duck Shelby WOW!

Some turn of the century path racers 8)

Overheard this guy say that they've been just sitting around too long
and he wanted to show them to others, Thanks Bud!

I really like the way this triangle Schwinn was built and setup, very cool!!

Nice Monark

I bought crankset (not from RRB guys) I thought I could use for my Shelby
but on closer inspection (on the light on the way back)
the a few teeth were wrecked and the threads were monkeyed up :?

Glad we were able to make it out there on the light rail and see the cool bikes
So I'll post our bike ride around Portland and the Cyclopedia art exhibit next

Thanks for Looking
Re: Ridin': Pedal Old Metal Bike Show

Just discovered your new ride thread.
That was a fun 3 pages to look through.
Re: Ridin': Portland IS Bike Friendly and Fun

Thanks Skipton! The show Was fun
Thanks Kingfish, I'm glad I found yours now too, awesome
Jerry , thanks

TVC15, It was fun to meet you even though we didn't get much time to hang out
No worries about the location, got us half way there :D

My Wife and me have to give a big shout out to TVC15!
We had been in contact before we got there
and gave us some great advice on where to rent bikes the next day
Thanks Bud!! Cycle Portland turned out to be a great place to rent

So to start a little earlier, The weather was ~60F and rain off and on
The light rail was awesome and we saved lots of money riding

We had to go to Voodoo Donuts because of what we had heard/seen
We had to wait in line for about 10 minutes in the drizzle and it was so worth it!!
I got the Bacon Maple long John, Raised Choco glazed, Oreo cookie bits and Peanut Butter icing

My Wife had to have a Vodoo donut (complete with a pretzel through it's heart :lol: )
Great prices too :shock:

We plenty Jazzed up for ride and Cycle Portland (TVC15 pick) a few blocks away set us up

My Wife confiscated my Twinn Six Fat Tire shirt but I was glad she was warm

We went across the bridge to visit a Japanese shop my Wife had been to years ago
Photo Op!

We headed out after the shop and to the convection center to get back across
They had these big gongs that could go off at any time (we were warned :lol: )

Downtown was bike friendly as we made our way to the Portland Art Museum
The Downtown area is spectacular with lots of trees and vegetation everywhere

We wanted to see the exhibit "Cyclopedia, Iconic bike designs" Really Awesome!!

If you get a chance to see this you should, so may rat rod bike ideas :shock: 8)
First bike in is this chrome Raleigh with a little rider seat

This all aluminum Hex bar ( :shock: ) was really beautiful
But it gave info on all the bikes and it said it was prone to small fractures, oh well
The lugs were gorgeous and my Wife could get enough of it either


Old wartime BSA with twin tube frame

Rocking cool speed record bike

This Track bike made me think of a Bowden 8) 8) 8)

Another iconic yet bad idea: road bike-trike (highly unstable they said :lol: )
It sure looked cool though...

After many more pics we stopped at the gift shop and got a red horn for FIL
Then off again and it was a bit sunnier, my Wife was getting used to the close traffic

Rode down to the river path, very nice!!

More sun, yeah

My Wife was having fun playing around

3 hours later, I was finally crashing from the coffee and donuts so we headed back

When we returned the bikes, they sold me an aluminum Sugino 53 tooth crank gear for $5 :D
We head back to the hotel and had a really nice dinner, perfect

What a great day in Portland!!
Thanks for Looking

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